Today’s horoscope tells about when it's necessary to step forward and when it isn't
As we gaze up into the stars for insight, let's see what Blasting News Astrologer Megan Wilson has to say you today: we welcome to your daily horoscope for Cancer!
What to expect
While this has been said many times during history, it does not negate it from being true for you Cancer; be the change that you want to see in the world. Take the initiative, grab the wheels and chart the course as you see fit. Lurking in the background, secretly wishing for things to change would be of no assistance to you.
In fact, it might quicker breed feelings of resentment and spite. No one thinks that's the best way forward, so just deal with it directly and assume the leadership role if necessary. If you don't try to fix it- then you really shouldn't complain.
There are different types of selfishness; the good, the bad and the neutral. If one leans into the role of manipulating others for a desired response or if one doesn't see fault in taking more when others are going without – well it seems obvious those are examples of negative selfishness. However, accepting the extra tasks for the latest group assignment does not make you selfish or controlling. In fact, it usually means the opposite. In your group, there are many who are willing and capable of taking on this leadership role.
There is a team-mate who always “jokingly” knock heads with you, today you can offer to have lunch with them, maybe understand your perspective. It could be the beginning of a new beautiful working relationship.
How to get through your day
Cancer, to get through today focus on your work life-social life balance. Recognize the importance of taking time to yourself, even the best employee can’t be of any use if they are burnt out.
It’s in your nature, Cancer, to always try to aid or help in some way, however, sometimes you can be more helpful by recognizing that a problem is above your head and that you won’t be of much assistance. Sometimes it’s best to step away from another person’s deep rooted problems and realize that this may be something that you will have to call in professionals to handle.
The best thing you can do is point them in the right direction of all the necessary agencies,
Thanks for reading today’s daily horoscope for Cancer, brought to you by Astrologer Megan Wilson. Feel free to share this reading with your friends and family. Be sure to check out tomorrow’s Daily horoscope. Have a terrific Thursday!