In early June, a federal appellate court handed President Trump another defeat on his executive order to impose a "travel ban". The three-judge panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals of the Ninth Circuit said that the executive order exceeded Trump's authority. Blasting News reported on a previous defeat, a second one, from the Fourth Circuit Court that also defeated his travel ban because it showed the administration's intolerance.
Liberal judges, the administration, and the Supreme Court
The same Blasting News article referred to the Ninth Circuit as having judges that are all appointed by Liberal Presidents such as Bill Clinton -- Trump's rival -- and with a few others appointed by the Obama administration.
The Ninth Circuit's decision felt that theirs could be decided on "statutory grounds" and not even have to address the constitutional question that the Fourth Circuit based their decision on. At this point, the next step would be for them to take their case to the Supreme Court which the Trump administration asked to lift those injunctions who according to various sources, are considering the request.
This could be a hint that the White House knows they might not be able to win in the Supreme Court. With Trump's appointment of conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch, the President likely expects their decision will play more in his favor or that of Republicans. It's been reported by various media sources that the White House had also asked the Supreme Court to review their appeal of the Fourth Circuit Decision or the International Assistance Project v.
Trump case. The case handled by the Ninth Circuit is referred to as Hawaii v. Trump.
Lost cause through intolerance
The Trump administration continued to make the argument that their travel ban was in the interest of national security but as the Blasting News article referred to earlier makes clear, the administration didn't seem to bother to pull away from the rhetoric of religious intolerance which was to call their executive order a "Muslim ban".
The article also details how White House Council filed their argument and cited a case over interracial issues with a community pool. Their argument was similar to what was made in their case that their legislation should not be determined by the mindset or Trump's rhetoric.
During his campaign, he said that he wanted to enforce in a Muslim ban.
When his first executive order failed, President Trump reached out to surrogate Rudy Guiliani to see how they could rephrase their "Muslim ban" where it was suggested that it should instead be referred to it as a travel ban. Later, as the rewritten executive order was released, President Trump publicly said that he liked the original phrasing the best, that being that it was a Muslim ban. The order continues, in this case, to be seen as the White House's intent of religious intolerance.