Kellyanne Conway had no words to defend President's Trump's behavior Thursday morning. asked Conway just hours after Trump engaged in another one of his now signature twitter attacks and this time his counselor did not have his back. The President's latest blast of insulting assaults focused on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' co-host Mika Brzezinski for the most part. Apparently, according to White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the President is justified since no one has the right to hurt President Trump's feelings.

Do not disrespect the President of the United States

Trump will not tolerate criticism by the press ever. Nonetheless, the folks at "Morning Joe" do not appear to care. Mika Brzezinski along with her co-host and fiancé, Joe Scarborough, negatively assessed Trump Thursday morning raking him over the coals on a number of subjects ranging from the healthcare bill to the size of Trump's hands. The President must have been watching since almost immediately he began tweeting. Many professional inside and outside Trump's inner circle are declaring his tweets are low blows and beneath the dignity of the office.

Case in point when asked Conway about the President's tweets Conway dodged

Instead, she responded with crafty meandering no-answer answers. Among her responses to direct questions were examples of her relationship with other politicians, wishing the elevator door would open, and even contemplating the weather. This is a bit unusual since historically Kellyanne Conway jumps at the chance to defend the often-time indefensible actions of her boss.

It could be the President's wife Malania Trump has the answer. The First Lady's response was to warn that when her husband feels attacked he punches back ten times harder.

Is Trump lying every day and destroying the country?

According to Mika Brzezinski, this is not a question it is a fact. Maybe this is what set Trump off. Who knows?

What is sure is, that regardless of what Trump tweeted claiming he did not watch 'Morning Joe' he must be watching. If he did not then why else would he have gone ballistic about what the MSNBC's co-hosts were saying? In any event, it is becoming harder and harder to navigate this new American normal. Almost every morning citizens face a new scandal with Trump at the center. Therefore, the more important question for Americans may well be how is this Presidency going to evolve and what will be the long-term effects on the American culture?