Prioritizing responsibilities over fun is not a wise thing to do; you should definitely make a little more room for playtime Today.
You will have to talk about some important topics with your significant other and family today. Maybe a few of your roles and responsibilities should shift; maybe some of you can only be relied on for certain things.
You need to focus professional efforts with attention to your health and fitness today, Sagittarius. Getting some fresh air early in the morning right after waking up will give you a massive boost of energy.
Almost everyone in your social circle seems to be too busy to spend some time with you. Recognize that their lack of time has nothing to do with you. Sometimes people need to establish limits in order to keep their lives together. Focus on yourself today. Decide who you want to spend the rest of the week with, call or text them and maybe they will Find the time for you.
You may find yourself having to try a different role in your job today, but do not think that you are taking a step down the career ladder. In fact, the very opposite is the case.
This day can be a time of learning some unbelievable facts about other people and catching up on some surprising news about them.
Keep your eyes open -- it will be worth it.
Assistance will not magically arrive at your door or at your desk unless you ask for help, Gemini. Do not shy away from possibilities just because the outcome is not guaranteed yet. Stay strong mentally throughout the day.
Your financial situation seem stable at the moment, and your work has a lot to offer to you right now as well.
Some of your projects might have to be put on the back burner, this way you may come to a much better balance.
You have to slow down and find your center of inner gravity so you do not go flying off into the unknown today. If you want to avoid confrontation, you need to calm down before you speak this afternoon.
Once you are more conscious of your behavior, you can improve your argument skills by shifting the discussion to a more of a personal topic.
Your soulmate search is only defined by a longing for stability, but you may be pulled in the wrong direction by your desires. Do not let yourself get tempted by adventure.
Your social life finally will be back on top just after a quiet few weeks and you will be attracting a lot of compliments and admiring glances from others.