Hey, Leos! It’s only Tuesday! For such a strong minded soul, it says you were born between July 23 and August 22. Astrologer Megan Wilson breaks down what the stars are saying to you today. Today’s horoscope looks looks at loved ones. So let’s see what the stars think about your day.

What to expect

Today, Leo, when it comes to your point of view, you may feel you're absolutely right, but consider this: if pushing the envelope causes a long-term rift between you and someone you care about -- someone you already haven't seen in far too long -- is it worth winning the battle and losing the war?

Sit and think about that for a moment, Leo. Instead of going for the kill, (all-out to win), won't it be better, in this case, to come to a compromise?

Today's planetary aspects are asking if you might be a little too demanding. You're very picky about the people you spend time with, and you have a tendency to ask them to go too far for you. Is this fair, Leo?Sometimes you become unaware of your limits where other people are concerned. You might want to think about this.

Laziness seems to be driving the older Leos towards an existence run by the television. There’s a world outside of that bubble and it’s waiting for you!

The stars suggest that hypocrisy does not help anyone, so avoid it when and where ever you can. Due to the presence of Moon in Aries, there’s the possibility that you will connect with your heart today.

How to get through your day

To get through your day, Leo, your body needs toning and regaining some vitality. Push yourself to do a sport like spinning or swimming. Later, at all cost, try to avoid compromising situations, this could make your partner super jealous. Don't let petty issues get between you and a long-distance loved one now. Don't take this matter lying down, take it while you're standing up. Even better, jump around and wave your arms. In other words, a totally unexpected response could just turn a situation around.

So give it a try!

Today it's likely that you will reflect back on a helping hand that a friend or family member extended to you recently. Remember to show them how much you appreciate them, and tell them that you would always do whatever to return the favor. You can actually pay the good deed forward by helping out someone else in need, Leo. To attract positive cosmic energy, wear something in white.

Well, that’s it for today’s daily horoscope for Leo. Thanks for reading and be sure to check on your Daily horoscope tomorrow. Thanks for reading. Please share this reading with a fellow Leo!