After the damaging overbooking controversy and the vicious manhandling issue of a passenger refusing to give his seat in united airlines, another just literally fell off the sky. In this case, from the overhead compartment of one of its plane and it was a scorpion. The passenger felt the sting of the controversial airlines and is now gearing up for a much-needed surgery.
Does United now reserve seats for scorpions?
On the day, United Airlines officials and airport security forcefully slammed Dr. Dao's face into an armrest and dragged ingloriously out of the plane to free seat for airline crew, a scorpion fell onto another passenger of United airlines and stung the person viciously.
It is not clear whether, the airline also provides free accommodation for creepy crawlers, but as of the moment, it would seem arachnids are part of the privileged few to get free tickets on United. As the issue over Dr. Dao's maltreatment inside the plane is still going on, it has been confirmed that the poor doctor may need to undergo surgery to treat his injuries. At the moment there isn't a clear statement from United Airlines head Oscar Muñoz, commending the scorpion for its gallantry on spicing the airline's ambiance up a notch.
What is United's response to this?
Surprisingly, United's top honcho, who was nominated as the communicator of the year 2017, by Hispanic Business magazine, didn't have anything to say over the scorpion issue.
Though Oscar Muñoz had continually made statements of commending the officers who manhandled Dr. Dao, then condemning the same act a few hours later and then vowing to only say the word "sorry" until this issue blows over. However, at the moment, a slew of memes are coming out from every nook and cranny of society to ridicule the not-so-quite nice manner they handled deplaning a passenger.
Some of those venerated memes miraculously emerged from Twitter.
New chair-pocket info cards being distributed today at #unitedAIRLINES
— LoganPhyve (@LoganPhyve) April 11, 2017
Another one is this.
United Airlines Releases new Customer Service Training Video.
— The Other 98% (@other98) April 10, 2017
Future of United Airlines
It is not sure whether United Airlines will bounce back from this controversy or just fold and just immediately vacate every United office and airplane and head to the woods, but one thing is certain, this issue will not fade quietly.
This controversy will either end in a massive court case in which United loses and the court awards damages to Dr. Dao or that United just closes down and every single one of their staff suddenly headed to the woods and live in solitude. Until Justice for Dr. Dao isn't served, the question still remains, why is there a scorpion inside United Airlines anyway?