We have a unique and flawed system for dealing with Mental illness in modern America, in that we have no solution but to ignore the problem or stigmatize those who do suffer from mental health conditions. These individuals will soon have nowhere to turn, as the affordable care act becomes repealed to the detriment of everyone who suffers from both substance abuse and mental or psychiatric disorders.

Cutting funding for our mental rehabilitation facilities, while gutting education, the EPA, and health care solely for military funding is truly insanity. The criminalization model strengthens the very underlying conditions that increase mental illness itself. Do we ostracize suffering individuals, ensure that they will never work again, give them criminal records, treat them as second-class citizens, even subhuman animals in some places, then wonder why the symptoms and the epidemic are getting worse? Because this is what our standard policy will do to the mentally ill and minorities,

The criminalization model strengthens the very underlying conditions that increase mental illness itself.

Do we ostracize suffering individuals, ensure that they will never work again, give them criminal records, treat them as second-class citizens, even subhuman animals in some places, then wonder why the symptoms and the epidemic are getting worse? Because this is what our standard policy will do to the mentally ill and minorities. Repealing the Affordable Care Act will ensure a steady downward spiral of more crime, more addiction, more spikes in mental health disorders left grossly untreated, more fatal overdoses, more rape, and more death in an ever increasing supply.

Separating the weak from the strong

This societal cancer, ensuring those most vulnerable and most suffering will forever remain ostracized and shunned from normal America, remains unaffected, hungry in its need for consumerism, materialism, and style over compassion, heart, or substance. Our government cares more about image than results, style over substance, appearing desperate and ready, over honor and integrity.

Our children will suffer through this untamed greed. They will become taught to hate everyone and everything that is different from them and will get nowhere in life due to this ingrained attitude, stifling and stripping away both essential maturity and humanity. This is often fostered through close-minded, often false prophet religious zealots, or power-hungry dictators who see a vulnerable group of people to exploit cash and all hope from by the thousands.

Stigmatization of minorities, alcoholics and drug addicts, people with schizophrenia, autistics, people living with PTSD, and all those who have mental illness will increase a thousand fold through the Trump regime, with any funds detracted from a warmongers pockets to wage war at will gutted and thrown into the garbage.

Rehab is underfunded to this day because the War on Drugs still believes the criminalization model is more efficient when heroin and methamphetamines flow freely in maximum security prisons.

The cycle is all consuming and destructive; we believe locking our mentally ill in prisons and asylums while ensuring they never work again will "assist" in providing the tough love needed to turn a life around. When you rip the life or reason for living from someone already mentally ill by robbing them of their livelihoods or means of living, stripping an individual of all passion, dignity, compassion, or choice, even self-destructive actions become rational within a broken system.

Save the affordable care act

Trump cares about ensuring his steady cash flow by the end of his term, little or nothing else, as he has clearly demonstrated his apparent willingness to sacrifice our children's education and future. Ruthlessly gutting the Affordable Care Act ignoring the EPA, gutting the arts and humanities, discarding global warming and the Environmental Protection Agency. Instead, he is focusing on over bloated military spending to ensure a steady stream of war and death at the blasphemous expense of our arts, our humanities, our growing multicentric tolerance, and the last fifty years of progressive cultural expansive values.

Since bald-faced lying his way to the presidency has ensured Trump's absolute success, why would he not fully embrace policies that ensure he continues to avoid paying taxes while in a position of absolute power? Absolute power always corrupts, and corruption is always directly connected with access to absolute power over the will of the people.