If you ask people what is the first word that comes to their mind when they hear “Donald Trump”, you will more than likely hearing them say idiot, insane, racist, or incompetent to name a few. Donald Trump has not been making the greatest of impressions on the American people since he was sworn in as president of the United States on January 20, 2017. His press conferences have become weekly SNL material.

His twitter, that he still actively uses even though he is president, has an array of tweets where he is either blasting certain people in government for not backing his decisions or labeling prominent news channels like CNN as “fake news”. One would think that when you are the leader of the free world, your time would and should be spent on making America better as oppose to using it to voice your opinion on how you feel Meryl Streep is an “overrated” actress.

Making America great?

Trump’s campaign slogan of his promise to “Make America Great Again”, seems to be the complete opposite of what he is actually doing to America.

Hours after his inauguration, his first order of business was to sign an executive order to “roll back” on Obamacare; an order that can greatly affect some 20 million Americans. Next, Trump wanted to begin the process of building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico border to “keep bad people out”. His relationship with Russia’s president Putin has raised red flags and his desire to revive the controversial Dakota Access and Keystone XL oil pipelines had many Americans rally in protest.

One Trump act however, toppled all the above-mentioned actions in his “quest” of making America great again. On January 27, 2017, number 45 signed and issued an executive order banning entry to the U.S. from seven majority-Muslim countries – Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.

Within hours of the Muslim ban being in effect, nationwide outrage erupted. Protests were held at all major airports such as JFK and LAX; with people showing their support for Muslims as well as their stance against number 45’s executive order. Judge Ann M. Donnelly of the US District Court, was the first to issue an emergency stay against the ban and other federal judges quickly followed suit.

Lessons learned?

Many if not most of Americans everyday are posting all over social media their disgruntled feelings and pure anger over Trump being in office and his daily action that will have one in complete astonishment as to how he became the 45th President of the United States. Even those who voted for him have openly expressed their regret in doing so.

Trump being president shows how extremely imperative and crucial it is to vote. We the people possess the power to elect the right qualified candidates to do the jobs that will help make this country truly great and uphold equality for all. Let’s hope in 2020 we have learned our lesson but let’s also hope we won’t have to wait that long. Impeachment plus Trump sound like a beautiful symphony.