Donald Trump brought up Hillary Clinton's name during his press conference numerous times, which is an event that still has people reeling today. Then he went on to a pep rally in Florida over the weekend in an attempt to get people to cheer him on. That's all well and fine, but he doesn't need any more cheering on because he got the job. So what is going on with Trump? Why does he have a need to still go after that shot of cheering he left along the campaign trail by holding a pep rally?

Pep rally?

Jennifer Rubin of Oregon Live has an interesting take on Trump's behavior concerning his need for a cheering crowd and his need to bring up his former opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Trump's infatuation with Hillary surfaced again regarding Russia and a reset button. Trump has thrown that scenario out into a crowd a few times while he's at the podium in the past.

What's up with Hillary?

Rubin suggests that Trump's obsession with Hillary may stem from his popular vote loss. Couple that with Trump knowing he did have a good deal of voters saunter his way only because he wasn't Hillary Clinton, so maybe he needs to prove something to himself? He's aware that some of the votes weren't enticed by anything he did, just that he was the only alternative to Hillary.

How about his track record?

Trump is seen by many today as a president who didn't just make campaign promises, but a president who intends on keeping them because of all the work he's done so far.

There are still others who think that he is unraveling with his need to be cheered and his continued need to come out as a more likable entity than Hillary.

Pence for president?

This is where Mike Pence comes in, according to Rubin. She reminds her readers that they should remember just "how critical" Mike Pence becomes as Trump's behavior is questioned.

She goes on to say that if you gave a secret ballot to 52 GOP senators asking them if they'd prefer Trump or Pence at the helm, she believes those secret ballots would have Pence coming way out on top.

She sees a Pence presidency as a win-win situation when it comes to both Republicans and Democrats. She believes both parties would welcome this change.

Of course this is just a hypothetical example, but she seems to think both parties would welcome a "normal" president, which is how she looks at Pence.


So is Donald Trump using Hillary and the pep rally to build up his ego? Will Pence eventually be seen as the president who steps in for an unraveling Donald Trump?

How's he doing so far?

One thing she forgot to mention is just what Trump is doing for the nation in his short time in office so far. While some of his behavior might be seen as a bit off the wall by those who live a more sheltered existence, his actions are speaking louder than words today. Maybe instead of looking to Pence as Trump's replacement, we should wait to see just what this President and Vice President team does for the nation?