The Alaskan Bush People have returned to Hoonah, Alaska, and they've begun filming a new season, so say the locals. This has not been officially confirmed by the Discovery Channel, but the reports are coming from the from the town where the Brown family magic happens. Billy, Ami and their brood are back in that town with the cameras rolling, but is there anyone absent from the Alaskan Bush People cast?

That information on the cast is not known and it probably won't be known until the new season begins. The Brown family has some money in their wallets today when it comes to a finances they've accumulated from the show. It seems each of the Brown kids have a net worth of $40,000 to $60,000 and Billy is listed at about $500,000, which isn't too bad for people who are living in a few different lean-to buildings out in the wilderness, but we won't go there again about the actually reality of this TV reality family.

Finances not on par with Teen Mom 2 stars

Wet Paint reports put the reality TV show Teen Mom 2 stars, each earning about $100,000 per season, so it sounds as if Billy is up to par, but maybe the kids in the Brown brood should earn a bit more.

With Matt and his brothers now the wild-men heartthrobs of reality TV, maybe they should get a bit more. Especially since stars on another reality show from a different channel are making more than they are.

The Teen Mom 2 show is a hit for MTV and they have seven women who are all paid $100,000 each season, so the Brown kids might need to ask for a raise! Some sources have a few of the more popular Teen Mom 2 stars making more than double this estimate. Any way you look at it, they make more than the Brown kids, so Billy should give the kids a nudge to ask for a raise! Not howl for one, ask for one!

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

All the speculation about the Alaskan Bush People being canceled might have just played out nicely for the people in charge of advertising over at the Discovery Channel.

All they needed to do is keep quiet and the fans did the rest with all the tweets and posting across the board on the social media sites. This could very well be the reason behind all the silence. Too much information ruins the intrigue and very little spawns a mystery, so they've got their mystery going today and folks are buying into it.

If there was a speculation graph that held the data for all the "canceled," and "not canceled" rumors floating around online about the show the graph would be a mess of peaks and valleys! The Brown family is a quirky bunch and the premise of the show of them living in the wilderness off the grid, is really an interesting concept. This keeps folks coming back for more each week.

The little bit of stuff that they make-do with is amazing, although we are pretty sure there is a microwave and a hot shower somewhere off camera, the concept is there and it is fun to watch.

Stunted growth

As far as looking at the show from a character study angle, there's a treasure trove of information to ponder about the Brown kids. This lifestyle, if it really is a lifestyle they live all year round, has really stunted their social skills. The trust these kids display in the human race only makes them sitting ducks when back in civilization. While Billy and Ami felt the family was together and protected living in the Alaskan bush, it's either stunted their growth in maturity or these kids are excellent actors.