America is worried about the safety of its people in Ukraine and wants them to travel out of harm's way. The main reason is the increased threat of a possible Russian invasion. There are staff and other personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv. The instructions would apply to all American personnel. However, these would not be binding on other expats. They would be at liberty to make their own decisions.

There was a virtual town hall meeting. The number of Americans was around 1,000, and they were encouraged to leave at the earliest, keeping in view the state of affairs.

Business Insider says Diplomats cautioned expats that delay could prove to be costly. There could be a situation where the evacuation of people might be difficult. In the words of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, they should "strongly consider" leaving now. The U.S. has kept its troops ready if there is a Russian incursion of Ukraine.

Many expats feel things are still normal in Ukraine

The reaction of the people vary. One of them, a man in his 60s, says people here are used to this level of hostility.

He does not feel endangered and has no intention of leaving. Another American technology executive individual has been in Kyiv since 2010. He runs a business and has a school-going son. He also feels things are still normal, and leaving Ukraine is not his sight. In a worst-case scenario, he has a contingency plan to escape with his family.

Business Insider adds that Russian troops are already at the border of Ukraine, and Russia is moving personnel and equipment into Belarus. This is its ally, and Kyiv is not too far away from the Belarusian border. That would give an advantage to Russia because it could have another option to attack the capital from Belarus.

In addition, NATO said there could be cyberattack and sabotage during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine is creating panic

President of Ukraine told the U.S. President to "calm down the messaging" about the threat of a Russian invasion. President Volodymyr Zelensky said it was creating panic. It seems the people have drawn up their exit plans in case required. A Texan investment banker says he is ignoring the advice of embassy officials and the State Department. He is one of those who are following the wait and watch policy. He says once some action begins, it would be time to pack up and leave. Business Insider mentions that some people have already made provisions for a potential emergency departure.

Many foreigners live and work in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine

The capital of Ukraine is home to a whole lot of foreigners who live and work there. Tensions have always been there between Russia and Ukraine. The recent decisions of the United States and other countries of the West to withdraw their embassy staff have sent signals that war could now become a reality. Australia is evacuating its diplomats and encouraging citizens to maintain a safe distance from Ukraine.

As a resident said to DW: "You don't see soldiers, you don't see aircraft flying, you don't see anything that feels like war or danger." Locals reveal that the threat of conflict with Russia started nearly a decade ago. That was when Moscow annexed Crimea in 2014.

Locals have got used to living on the edge. The fact remains that "the sun is still shining, there's pizza and there's sushi, there's everything." Recently, the United States delivered ammunition and anti-tank missiles to Ukraine. That has gone down well with the people. They say Joe Biden is familiar with how to handle Cold War politics.