A Florida woman has been charged with second-degree murder after police say she left her boyfriend to suffocate to death in a zipped-up suitcase. ABC News reports that 42-year-old Sarah Boone may have allegedly killed the man over his infidelity.
Suspect claims death was accidental
The Florida woman reportedly told police that her boyfriend accidentally died while the two were playing their own version of hide-and-seek. She said that she and the man were both drinking alcohol at the time and that she fell asleep while he was supposedly hiding. The Florida woman claims that when she woke up, she discovered that Jorge Torrez Jr.
had died. Boone called 911, and police arrived to find the man in the suitcase, unresponsive. Authorities noted that the woman appeared to have injuries to her face when they came.
She didn't destroy the evidence against her
Police say they confiscated the Florida woman's phone, which contained video footage of what may have actually taken place -- and it wasn't a game of hide-and-seek. The police-obtained footage reportedly documents Sarah Boone tormenting her boyfriend, who was zipped-up inside the suitcase. She can be heard taunting him, telling him that "this is what it feels like when you cheat on me," and "this is what it feels like when you choke me." At one point in the video, the Florida woman can be allegedly heard laughing at the man while he's panicking and declaring that he cannot breathe inside the suitcase.
Revenge killing isn't uncommon
This story may be going viral, but Sarah Boone isn't the first woman to allegedly kill a lover over elements of revenge. Among other similar Viral Stories, in 2019, a Missouri woman poisoned her husband to death and then torched their home after she found out he had cheated.
In 2018, a Moroccan woman killed and cooked her unfaithful lover, before serving him to area construction workers.
The Independent reported on this viral story and revealed that she may not have ever been caught had the victim's brother not found a human tooth in a blender in her home.
There's no doubt that some people have been driven to murdering their significant others for a number of reasons, but in the case of Florida woman Sarah Boone, the details aren't entirely known yet.
Authorities believe that she murdered her boyfriend, and the video evidence on her phone implies that she may have done so out of revenge and anger for being cheated on and physically assaulted by the man. However, the victim's side of the story will never be heard, and nobody knows how he even got in the suitcase in the first place, so hopefully, authorities can get to the bottom of things so that justice is truly served.