Have you seen Jordan Rae Lampus? Authorities in Wyoming are looking for the missing 22-year-old woman after her van was found abandoned along a highway near Cheyenne. The details are slim in this developing case, but the few that are making it to the public imply that this woman could possibly be in serious danger.

Cheyenne Police call disappearance 'suspicious'

Police in Cheyenne, Wyoming took to social media to alert the public of this woman's disappearance, according to Oil City News.

On a Facebook post, authorities have referred to the disappearance of Jordan Rae Lampus as suspicious. This is due to the fact that the young woman was reported missing in the state of Pennsylvania, so it is a surprise that her van was found abandoned all the way in Wyoming -- approximately 1700 miles away.

Any time that a disappearance crosses state lines, investigating authorities make appeals to all surrounding states. And, that is what police in Pennsylvania and Wyoming have done. Anyone from Nebraska and Colorado as well as Wyoming, Pennsylvania, and surrounding areas, are encouraged to contact police with any information they may have on this missing woman.

Unanswered questions in the disappearance of Jordan Rae Lampus

So far, all the public knows, is that this young woman was reported missing recently out of Erie, Pennsylvania. Since her van has been located all the way in Wyoming, her disappearance has attracted social media attention, which means there are a lot of questions being asked. Right now, authorities have their work cut out for them in locating a woman whose case now potentially spans 2,000 or more square miles.

Was this woman the victim of foul play? Did she leave on her own free will to start a life somewhere else? Was she carjacked? Who was the last person to see Jordan Rae Lampus? All these questions, and others, will hopefully be answered as time goes by.

But most importantly, it's urgent that this missing woman is located safely.

Jordan Rae Lampus is described as having blonde hair and blue eyes, with an average to petite build. Her photo is being circulated in reports and by police in hopes of anyone coming forward with information about her. Police in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Erie, Pennsylvania can be contacted with any information or sightings. But you can also call your local authorities in case she is spotted in your area or you believe someone in your area may have knowledge of her whereabouts.

Missing women in America

At any given time in the United States, more than 200,000 women go missing, according to Statistca.com. Many of those disappearances are quickly solved thanks to fast police action and other factors, but many women go missing never to be found. This is a harsh reality that is faced by numerous families across the nation.