NASA has plans to send humans to the Moon by 2024 as a part of its Artemis mission. It would be the first woman and the next man after Neil Armstrong. Subsequently, there would be a human presence on Mars tentatively by the mid-2030. The American space Agency had set the ball in motion in 2017 by selecting a team of young men and women to train as Astronauts. During the two years, they trained in various activities related to spacewalking, robotics, and International Space Station systems etcetera.

These new skills will help them to integrate with others in the field. There were 13 of them (six women and seven men) and they have graduated with flying colors from Johnson Space Center, Houston. Two of them happened to be from the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). 18,000 persons had applied and only 13 were chosen.

Daily Mail UK says at the passing out ceremony NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said – “These individuals represent the best of America, and what an incredible time for them to join our astronaut corps.” He also said the current year would be significant. America would take the lead and launch “American astronauts on American rockets from American soil.”

Eyes on the future

International Space Station will celebrate two decades of consecutive years of human occupation.

This skylab has accommodated astronauts from different countries who have contributed to the cause of various branches of space research. It is a stepping-stone for travel into space in search of new opportunities and it will play an important role for missions to the moon and Mars. NASA is already drawing up its plans with an eye on the future.

Daily Mail UK reveals the American space agency now has 48 active astronauts and could induct some more soon. Ted Cruz of Texas, speaking at the event, said – “They are the pioneers of the final frontier whose work will help fortify America's leadership in space for generations to come.” The agency hopes to collaborate with its partners to explore the moon and make use of that data to go in for sending astronauts to Mars.

Artemis will test the ingenuity of astronauts on living in an alien environment where Renewable Energy will play a vital role and will prepare them to take up challenges of the Red Planet.

New blood inducted to augment resources

According to NASA, it was necessary to induct new blood keeping the requirement of the future in mind. The new graduates would work with the International Space Station to fulfill the goal of asserting the supremacy of the US in the field of exploration of the moon and Mars. The immediate target is 2024 to send the first woman and next man to the surface on the Moon. After that, there could be annual lunar missions with human exploration of Mars by the mid-2030s.