President Donald Trump is not happy with California Governor, Gavin Newsom. The president feels Gov. Newsom has not addressed the growing Homeless crisis in the state. The POTUS went to the extent of saying – he would ask the federal government to get involved in the matter because the issue must not spiral out of control. Data released by the Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD] reveals a grim scenario.

The figures show there are more than 140,000 California residents who are without shelter on any given night. This adds up to more than a fifth of the entire homeless population across the country and needs to be set right, he feels.

Daily Mail UK says Gov. Newsom is in office for one year and in his opinion, the Trump administration must accept blame for the escalating crisis. The recent HUD study also revealed an interesting aspect namely, homelessness is more prevalent in states that are under the control of Democrats. To overcome the problem, a section of the residents has defined their own strategies to discourage the homeless. Many of them in Oakland and San Francisco have put up obstacles outside their doors.

The intention is to deter the homeless from occupying the space to set up camps.

The problem magnifies with drug addicts

The problem in the Tenderloin district in San Francisco is unique. Drug addicts frequent the area along with other homeless people and leave behind not only used needles but also human waste. These aggravate the situation. The city authorities have taken several steps to counter such a nuisance. They have set up public toilets and have got workers to collect the used needles. However, the main issue of the homeless remains as their numbers keep rising.

Daily Mail UK makes mention of President Donald Trump’s visit to California in mid-September. Subsequently, he spoke up about the homeless crisis in San Francisco and he has made this a major campaign issue for the 2020 election.

The need of the hour is to evolve a permanent solution, by the local government.

Homelessness in California is at a crisis level

According to Fox Business, Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Ben Carson points out that there is a nationwide decrease in homelessness but California has not been to tackle the problem. It has failed to reduce their numbers and it is at a crisis level. He made a statement, saying there's a "continued increase in street homelessness along our West Coast where the cost of housing is extremely high." Incidentally, cities in California have explored various options to provide the homeless with a better place to sleep rather than on the streets. In this connection, Carson says that the solutions must focus on the root causes of homelessness. In his words: "It's a matter of figuring out why you're on the street in the first place."