President Donald Trump was livid Tuesday morning after his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, had his office raided by the FBI in relation to the ongoing scandal regarding Stormy Daniels. Cohen is the subject of a bank and wire fraud investigation related to the payments made to Daniels.

Trump saw this as an absolute breach of lawyer-client confidentiality, though that didn't quite fit the description for what was going on.

Clearly, Trump is distressed that there may be incriminating evidence against him in Cohen's files, which is why he is feeling the pressure. It is unclear though, that if the FBI did find something to use against the President, if it would be admissible if it had nothing to do with the investigation into Cohen himself.

Admitted payment to Daniels

Michael Cohen has already publicly admitted that he made a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels. The payment was meant as hush money to keep her from going public regarding an affair that she claims to have had with the President back in 2006.

Daniels signed a non-disclosure agreement related to the payment, though she has since violated that agreement by talking publicly about the alleged affair.

Though Cohen claims to have made the payment voluntarily and without Trump's knowledge, he may have violated campaign finance laws by doing so. This opened the door for the FBI to investigate and look deeper into Cohen's files.

Standing by Cohen

Though Trump has been quick to distance himself from White House staff members who run afoul of the law, he has stood firmly in Cohen's corner. Describing him as a "good man," the President went on to proclaim that he too was the subject of an absurd FBI witch hunt.

The President has used that phrase a few times as he continues to lament the year plus long investigation that has cast a cloud over his presidency. Trump feels that there are so many more important issues that need to be addressed and the investigation is hampering those efforts to improve the nation.

While the FBI is showing no signs of letting up in their pursuit of Trump, one has to wonder where this is all heading. The investigation has pivoted from Russia and the election to whether or not the President had an affair with an adult film star 12 years ago.

It is unclear what law if any he broke if the allegations are true. As the people around Trump continue to get wrapped up by the FBI, it is only a matter of time until the President himself will be required to address what he claims as a non-serious issue.