The feud between the right-wing media and the students of Parkland, Florida reached a fever pitch when a Fox News host smeared student David Hogg. After Hogg called out the sponsors of Fox News' Laura Ingraham, she was forced to walk back her previous remarks.

Ingraham on Hogg

It all started on Valentine's Day when 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz opened fire in the hallway of Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

By the time Cruz was taken into custody, he had killed 17 people while injuring many others. Since then, the debate over gun control has been a headline story, with many of the students in Parkland taking the opportunity to push for reform, often calling out the NRA and politicians who have taken the organization's donations, in addition to conservative media figures who have hit back. On Wednesday, Fox News host Laura Ingraham faced criticism for mocking Parkland student and activist David Hogg for being rejected by several universities.

In response, David Hogg called for a massive boycott of Laura Ingraham, as well as all the sponsors she had for her show on Fox News.

As the backlash increased, Ingraham was forced to take to Twitter and offer an apology. "Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA —incl. David Hogg," Ingraham tweeted.

"On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland," Laura Ingraham continued. "For the record, I believe my show was the first to feature David immediately after that horrific shooting and even noted how 'poised' he was given the tragedy." In conclusion, the Fox News host added that Hogg would be welcomed on her program anytime.

Quick reaction

After Laura Ingraham's tweet and apology, critics were not that impressed. "Apologize to Lebron James while you are at it too," Eugene Gu tweeted back.

"Guess more advertisers left than you expected huh," Greg Shugar tweeted. "Too late b*tch, you are in show business and you were chasing ratings of the vile Alt Right which you are part of. Go away. Very far away. Go give your Hitl*r salute somewhere else. You are a vile petty demented woman who should just fade away," another Twitter user wrote.

"How many sponsors recently turned you down?" a social media user wondered. "Your apology is a little late Laura, good job David Hogg," an additional tweet went on to read. The negative reaction to Laura Ingraham continued as the rift between the political left and right moved forward.