It's less than a week into the new year and politics have already been turned on its head. With the release of bombshell new book exposing controversial details about Donald Trump's campaign and first year in office, the president decided to vent on social media.
Trump on Twitter
Earlier this week, excerpts of a new book by author Michael Wolff, titled "Fire And Fury: Inside the Trump White House," were released to the public and the details didn't go over well with the administration.
Wolff had obtained access to the Trump campaign, and later White House, mostly due to Steve Bannon, who had previously served as campaign CEO and later Chief Strategist in the administration. Bannon, though once linked to Trump as his right-hand man, threw the former host of "The Apprentice" under the bus while also taking shots at the entire Trump family in the process. Bannon even went on to accuse Donald Trump Jr. of "treasonous" activity by meeting with Russians at Trump Tower. In response, the president quickly lashed out, claiming Bannon had "lost his mind," while dismissing the book as fiction.
The White House has since doubled down on the narrative, which was continued during a January 5 tweet by the commander in chief.
In a tweet on Friday morning, Donald Trump once again hit back against the "Fire and Fury" book, as well as target Hillary Clinton in an attempt to link the former Secretary of State to potential collusion with Russia. "Well, now that collusion with Russia is proving to be a total hoax and the only collusion is with Hillary Clinton and the FBI/Russia, the Fake News Media (Mainstream) and this phony new book are hitting out at every new front imaginable," Trump tweeted. "They should try winning an election," he continued, before adding, "Sad!"
Instant reaction
In response to the tweet by Donald Trump, critics of the president gave their thoughts.
"If the Russia investigation is a 'hoax,' why did you try and prevent Jeff Sessions from recusing himself, and why did you try digging up dirt on Comey before firing him?" one tweet read.
"That 'phony new book' is a bunch of quotes from members of your own administration. If it's phony, then your administration is phony," a follow-up tweet stated. "This makes absolutely no sense, it’s just incoherent rambling," another Twitter user added. "And this proof is where? Delusion must be a terrible state to be in," an additional tweet noted.
"The only hoax here is you. Oh, and we all know you’ve never read a book (or the Constitution, or an executive order, etc.) in your life. Time to resign!" yet another tweet stated. "Let’s be honest here. If you had nothing to hide, would you seriously be this obsessed with the Russia investigation?" a tweet read.