On Sunday morning, CNN host Jake Tapper conducted an interview with White House senior policy adviser stephen miller but it quickly went off the rails. After Tapper cut the interview short, Donald Trump decided to chime in on social media.

CNN on Trump

It's no secret that Donald Trump is not a fan of the majority of the mainstream media. From the day he kicked off his campaign for president, he was quickly at odds with the press after referring to illegal immigrants as "rapists" and "murderers." This war of words continued through the campaign and into present day, where the former host of "The Apprentice" has felt free to call out the media on a routine basis, typically doing so in the form of rants on Twitter.

The latest battle between the press and the administration has taken place over the release of the book "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House" by author Michael Wolff, which reveals controversial information about the president's first year in office, with one of the main sources being former Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. These issues were discussed during a heated interview on CNN with adviser Stephen Miller, much to the chagrin of the president on January 7.

Joining Jake Tapper on CNN's "State of the Union," Stephen Miller proceeded to clash with the host over a variety of issues.

While the interview started off cordial, it picked up steam when Tapper pressed Miller on the comments made by Steve Bannon. Miller hit back at Tapper by mocking CNN for not being able to predict Trump's election, claiming that the president was "watching and he’s happy you said that." Miller went on to call Tapper "condescending" who was spewing "snide remarks."

As the interview was coming to a close, Jake Tapper was attempting to shift to the next segment but Stephen Miller continued to talk over him.

"I think I wasted enough of my viewer's time," Tapper said, before putting his hand up to Miller's face and saying, "Thank you Steve."

Trump vs Tapper

After the conclusion of the CNN interview with Stephen Miller, Donald Trump hit back against the network on social media.

"Jake Tapper of Fake News CNN just got destroyed in his interview with Stephen Miller," Trump tweeted, before adding, "Watch the hatred and unfairness of this CNN flunky!"

Jake Tapper didn't take long to response back himself, tweeting "Here’s the interview; judge for yourself" before posting a link to his conversation with Stephen Miller. As 2018 kicks off, it's unlikely that the grudge between the White House and the media gets better anytime soon.