As Donald Trump continues to be accused of racism following his now infamous "sh*thole" remark, the White House has entered damage control mode. While speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Sarah Huckabee Sanders did her best to defend the president's reputation by claiming that he couldn't be a racist because NBC hired him to host a reality show.

Sanders on Trump

It was just last week that Donald Trump once again shifted the entire direction of the news cycle.

While speaking at a bipartisan meeting on the issue of immigration reform, Democrats and Republicans proposed the idea of allowing protection for immigrants who came to the United States from Haiti, El Salvador, and other countries in Africa. The president reportedly was quick to dismiss the idea, referring to those countries as a "sh*thole" before asking why nothing was being done to allow more immigrants in from Norway. The president and his team have denied that he used the word, despite members of both parties confirming that he did. As expected, the media has once again speculated as to whether or not Trump is a racist, much to the chagrin of the commander in chief.

As reported by CNN on January 16, Sarah Huckabee Sanders was questioned by reporters and did her best defend Trump from the allegations.

On Tuesday morning, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was walking across the White House lawn when she was approached by several reporters. After taking questions on immigration reform and the possibility of a government shutdown, Sanders was then pressed on Donald Trump's "sh*thole" remark and asked if he was a racist.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was quick to fire back, labeling the allegations against Donald Trump as "outrageous," before asking, "Why did NBC give him a show for a decade on TV?" "Why did Chuck Schumer and all of his colleagues come and beg Donald Trump for money?" Sanders wondered, before once again referring to the claims as "outrageous" and a "ludicrous excuse."

Twitter reacts

In response to Sarah Huckabee Sanders' comments, critics on Twitter wasted no time sounding off.

"Lmao man why does (SHS) look like that?" one tweet read.

"Pardon my foul language but Sarah Huckabee-Sanders isn’t smart, not even a little bit," another tweet added. "So it’s NBC’s fault now? God forbid they take responsibility for anything besides the fake news they create.." another tweet added.

"Why did he give you a job? Some things can't be adequately explained," one Twitter user asked. "She cannot be serious. TV shows and the Presidency are two very different things. They gave him a show for ratings the more bizarre actions,the better," an additional tweet stated.