Nikki Haley is one of the most powerful women on the world stage. She is the permanent US Ambassador to the United Nations and maintains a high profile. Before this assignment, she was the governor of South Carolina. During the 2016 election she was initially reluctant to back Trump and at one point had stated that she was “not a fan” of the US president. Trump had hit back by suggesting that her constituents were “embarrassed” by her actions.

Much water has flowed since then and CNN has reported that rumors have begun to float that Ms. Nikki has been having an affair with the US president.

These allegations have surfaced after the latest book” Fire and Fury: A year inside the Trump White House” by Michael Wolff was published, the Independent report.

The author, in a chat with Bill Maher, said that he was “absolutely sure” that the President is having an affair. He went on to add that he was not confident about the information and for that reason had not included the matter in his book.


These are explosive rumors and cast a slur on the permanent ambassador to the UN. She had to respond and in her response, she stated that the rumors were “disgusting” and “highly offensive.” To be frank, this was the response expected, so whether the rumor is true or not is another matter.

She has a point when she says that strong women who become powerful, face such predictable rumors.

Nike Haley has risen fast, from being an opponent of Trump to a person in the inner circle of the president. She has admitted that she has many times been with the president on Air Force 1 but there were always other people with her in the cabin.

On the other hand, the president is known as a man who charms women and this has probably led to these rumors.

Authors opinion

The author has in his book not explicitly stated that Ms. Haley was having an affair but he has stated that the president was spending a notable amount of time with her on Airforce one. He has, however, set the record straight in his talk with Bill Maher where he stated that he was sure about the affair.

Nickey Haley

NIkey Haley is a rising star in the Republican party and she claimed that she has met Trump many times but never alone. There is no way this can be verified at the moment. One wonders whether the old Red Indian saying that there is never smoke without a fire has some meaning. Ms. Haley has responded strongly to the allegations and denied them. This is part of the political game.

Trump and the White House have not made any comment on these rumors.

