In recent years, former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke has been an outspoken voice on the conservative side, most notably giving a speech at the Republican National Convention in 2016 while being a strong supporter of Donald Trump. After reports broke in recent days about the FBI obtaining a warrant to search his email account in regards to a previous lawsuit, Clarke put the blame on the media.

Clarke on media

Earlier this year, a man by the name of Dan Black sued David Clarke and accused the former sheriff of wrongly being detained and interrogated by local law enforcement following a flight headed to Milwaukee. Black also claims that Clarke threaten to knock him out if he acted up on a plane again, which resulted in a lawsuit being filed back in February. Just one month later and the feds filed for a warrant to search Clarke's email account in an attempt to gather information pertaining to the case at hand. The case was eventually dropped due to lack of evidence, but that didn't stop the media from breaking the story earlier on this week.

In response, Clarke has denied any wrongdoing and lashed out in a series of aggressive tweets on December 30.

On his Twitter feed on Saturday, David Clarke fired back at the media for allegedly posting "fake news," with one photoshopped image using a WWE wrestling graphic to show the former sheriff attacking CNN. "LYING Lib media spreads FAKE NEWS about me and @realDonaldTrump to fool their liberal followers into believing LIES," Clarke wrote.

In a follow-up tweet, David Clarke took his anger to the next level. "When LYING LIB MEDIA makes up FAKE NEWS to smear me, the ANTIDOTE is go right at them," Clarke went on to tweet. "Punch them in the nose & MAKE THEM TASTE THEIR OWN BLOOD," Clarke continued, before claiming that the only way to stop the media from lying is to "give them a taste of their own blood." Clarke has been defiant in his innocence and appears to be using the same strategy as the president by going on the attack against the mainstream media regardless of whether or not the information being presented is factual or not.

Clarke's tweets double down on what he said on Friday night during an interview with Fox News.

Moving forward

While David Clarke and other supporters of Donald Trump continue with the theory that the media is corrupted by "liberals," the majority of the American people don't see it that way. In the most recent round of polling, Trump's approval rating has dropped to just over 30 percent, making him the least popular president after one year in recent American history.