As Donald Trump gets ready to end his 12-day foreign trip through Asia, he appears pleased with how everything went down. After gloating on social media about the last week and a half, critics of the president took time to hit back.
Trump on Twitter
Ever since Donald Trump announced his plan to run for president over two and a half years ago, the game of American politics has been changed.
While first thought of as a joke, Trump's candidacy has blossomed into an actual administration after defeating 16 Republican candidates in the primary, and then Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the general election. Since being sworn into office last January, Trump's controversial nature has caused many to worry about the country moving forward. Whether it's his policy proposals and agenda, or his reckless tendencies on social media, the former host of "The Apprentice" has taken a unique approach in handling the office of commander in chief. Fast forward to present day and Trump is winding down his trip in Asia, where he stopped in countries ranging from Japan, China, Vietnam, and more.
As Trump gets ready to visit the Philippians in his final stop, he took time to give his thoughts during a November 13 post on Twitter.
Taking to Twitter on Monday morning, Donald Trump wasted no time bragging about his time in Asia. "Will be leaving the Philippines tomorrow after many days of constant mtgs & work in order to #MAGA!" Trump tweeted out, before adding, "My promises are rapidly being fulfilled." Trump's post comes just hours after telling the media how impressed he was by receiving the "red carpet" treatment.
Twitter responds
After sending out his latest tweet, Donald Trump was hit with massive backlash from his critics. "I'm not sure what planet you're living in but you certainly aren't making America great," one tweet read.
"The majority of American people would like you to extend your trip, indefinitely. Don’t come home. Ever. Thanks much," another Twitter user added. "You have done nothing to make America great again. The USA was great until you scammed your way into the WH," an additional tweet stated. "You’ve accomplished nothing other than dividing our country," a social media user noted.
"Did somebody tell you that you come across as a rambling childish idiot when you use 280 characters? Or did you just forget that you don't need to use abbreviations anymore?" yet another tweet wondered. The negative response continued to pour in as many Americans are clearly opposed to Donald Trump and are showing no signs of changing their minds anytime soon.