During the 1980’s, the United States of America faced tensions with the former Soviet Union. Much like the US tensions with North Korea today, the tensions back then were amplified as the US and the Soviet Union threatened each other with nuclear weapons. Former United States President Ronald Reagan and former Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev were bitter enemies as both often criticized each other.
The same chain of events is occurring now as North Korea becomes more threatening with the increased and regular testing of weapons. The current regime has recently lashed out at Donald Trump by referring to him as a “lunatic,” according to USA Today. This attack comes after President Donald Trump’s attacks on Twitter toward the North Korean dictator. Both leaders have threatened war with each other, just as Reagan and Gorbachev did. A report by USA Today relayed the latest insults between the leaders.
The weapon that can bring down the dictatorship
Right before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it was common to see people standing in long lines as they waited to get any food that was left.
Young women needed to find ways to support themselves and their families during the economic hardships, so they became prostitutes. People were forced to sell things like old glass bottles to recycling companies for a little bit of change for necessities.
Although North Korea is no longer in its infamous famine as seen during the reign of Kim Jong-un’s grandfather, the people still suffer from the dictatorship. According to National Interest, smuggling any kind of media from outside of North Korea is prohibited. It is widely known that the North Korean government controls the media its citizens consume daily, and anyone caught with outside media may face a death penalty.
This control tactic could potentially cause the downfall of the regime.
AOL reports that some workers in North Korea have been allowed to travel to China for work purposes, thus exposing them to a world outside of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Many of them are being exposed to capitalism for the first time.
Loyalty slowly disappears
According to a group of North Koreans surveyed by Anna Fifield from the Washington Post, most North Koreans hate their leader. The elite individuals have even begun separating themselves from others in the country by speaking in a South Korean accent. This allows them to showcase their ability to access education beyond other citizens.
In addition, the people are beginning to stray away from looking towards the government for support.
They are finding ways to support themselves without the government’s help. North Korean people who are traveling see how other countries are prosperous, thus causing them to want to become more independent from their government. This division in the country is similar to the division seen in the former Soviet Union, but will the outcome be the same? Only time will tell.