A Michigan man was wanted on a variety of misdemeanor warrants and appears to also have a sense of humor. He went on to Facebook to send a message to the Redford Township Police Department, along with a challenge. Basically, he said if they could get 1,000 shares on their next Facebook post, he would hand himself in to face his charges and would even bring a dozen donuts. He added that he would also be prepared to pick up litter around the local public schools.
Wanted Redford man makes Facebook challenge to police
As noted by Click On Detroit, Michael Zaydel, 21, or Champagne Torino as he is known on Facebook, apparently didn’t believe the Redford Township Police could achieve 1,000 shares of any post, but, boy, he was wrong.
The cops shared an image of his initial message on October 7 – complete with the challenge – to their Facebook timeline. In their caption, police explained that Zaydel had outstanding warrants and invited the public to share the post because he promised them donuts and they really love donuts. If anything, the donuts excited the cops more than the idea of arresting Zaydel. They ended by asking the public to help them win the challenge, and clean up Redford at the same time, by sharing the post.
Police win the challenge hands down
The public duly obliged, with the post receiving more than the required 1,000 shares in a little over an hour. Once Redford Township Police reached their goal, they made a second post of a cartoon cop dropping a microphone, thanking everyone for helping them to meet their goal.
At the time of writing, that post has received almost 4,500 shares and has had over 2,000 reactions.
As there was no immediate reaction from Zaydel, Redford Township Police made a further Facebook post on October 11, which they titled “Wanted Wednesday.” In that post, they asked the public to help locate Zaydel. Writing that he is known to be around the Redford/Livonia area, they joked that he might possibly be in local donut shops.
Wanted man makes good on his promise
It took ten days for Zaydel to make good on his promise, but he finally strolled into the Redford Township Police station, along with a dozen donuts. He even added one bagel for good measure. Police again headed to Facebook on October 17, posting photos showing Zaydel arriving with the goodies and handing himself in.
In their caption, they expressed their gratitude to everyone who had supported them in the challenge and given them positive feedback.
As for Zaydel, he’s now in custody and was scheduled for a court hearing on Wednesday.