“Game of Thrones” actress Sophie Turner began dating Joe Jonas in November 2016. According to Business Insider, the two are now formally engaged. The celebrities took their respective Instagram accounts to post a picture of Turner wearing the engagement ring on Sunday, 15 October. Sophie captioned the image as, “I said yes.” The fans have been posting congratulatory wishes on both their accounts ever since.
This has led to the rise of many questions about their official wedding date.
Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas' relationship
According to The Sun, the “Game of Thrones” actress is in the full planning mode as far as her wedding with Joe Jonas is concerned. She is excited about everything – all the way from choosing the venue to her dress. The celebrity has even decided her honeymoon destination. The Sun quotes an insider as saying that the celebrity couple is ready to “start a family.” Another report by E! Online quotes certified gemologist appraiser, Deborah Villepigue (The Jewelry Appraiser Inc) as saying that the ring may be priced somewhere between $25,000 to $30,000.
The ring features a pear-shaped center stone, which according to Villepigue is made using three karats worth of diamond. The celebrity couple received positive wishes from their close friends and family members. Nick Jonas shared the same picture on his Twitter account and congratulated the two. Turner’s best-friend, Maisie Williams also published the same picture on her Instagram account and expressed her joy over being a part of this milestone.
More regarding the couple
This isn’t the first major milestone for Sophie and Nick. Turner posted a picture of an adorable puppy on her Instagram account back in September. Her caption suggested that the two had formally welcomed a new member in their family.
Sophie’s “Game of Thrones” co-star, Kit Harington also announced his wedding with Rose Leslie two weeks back. The two are already living together and plan on settling down. Their official wedding date is yet to be announced. According to Buzzfeed, the production of “Game of Thrones” season 8 might be kept on hold due to this reason. Harington (Jon Snow) and Leslie (Ygritte Wilding) want their “Game of Thrones” family to be present on their important day. With Sophie Turner’s wedding on the cards too, this may cause a bit of disturbance to the TV show’s fans, as there are chances that the premiere date might end up being postponed.