Donald Trump, who was admonished by Michael Reagan, the son of the late President Ronald Reagan, for implementing a travel ban against undocumented workers, is beaming because of the latest ruling by the SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States). In that ruling, the SCOTUS overturned a lower court ruling that would have enabled refugees from Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen to stay in the United States.

Lower courts had ruled that refugee travel bans are in violation of the Constitution.

A temporary solution

The SCOTUS, while reviewing the Trump Administration's travel ban policies, has ruled that the Administration's travel bans against refugees are to be upheld. The SCOTUS, which is the nation's highest court and one of the three branches of government, has promised to decide which components of the Trump travel bans will be allowed to take effect.

Resettlement agencies

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals had upheld a district judge's ruling that refugees from the targeted nations would be allowed to stay in the United States if a resettlement agency had accepted them.

However, the Trump Administration had disagreed with the 9th Circuit Court, stating that resettlement agencies don't make any difference, nor does the relationship between refugees and resettlement agencies. In other words, whether or not a resettlement agency has accepted a particular refugee is of no concern to Donald Trump, who recently was admonished for his pardon of racist Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Resettlement agencies are churches, missions, charitable groups and local government agencies that provide refuge, food, child care and other services to refugees who are in the United States illegally and are hiding from federal and state government agencies. In cities that do not enforce federal government immigration and refugee laws, so-called "sanctuary cities," resettlement agencies are left alone by local law enforcement agencies.

Up until this latest ruling by the SCOTUS, refugees at resettlement agencies in sanctuary cities were safe from arrest and deportation by federal and state law enforcement agencies and officials.

Now that the SCOTUS has made this latest ruling upholding Trump's position that the resettlement agencies are of no consequence when it comes to the deportation of refugees, the "safety" of refugees at the resettlement agencies, especially those from the targeted nations, is in question.

Grandparents and cousins

Meanwhile, the grandparents and cousins of refugees who already are here in the United States as permanent residents, are still allowed to migrate to the United States under the new SCOTUS ruling.

In its appeal of the lower court rulings overturning its travel ban, the Administration had not asked the SCOTUS to overturn the lower court rulings allowing the grandparents and cousins of permanent resident refugees to travel to the United States.