The strongest earthquake to strike Mexico in over a 100 years has claimed 90 lives so far with hundreds injured. The quake has also caused massive damage to property. The earthquake had its epicenter about 87km South-west of Pijijiapan, Mexico, in the Gulf of Tehuantepec. The earthquake was so strong that the tremors could be felt more than 600 miles from the epicenter. Several homes, hospitals, and buildings have been severely damaged.

Most people were asleep when the earthquake struck. The earthquake was felt by about 50 million Mexicans.

Which states incurred more damage?

The state of Chiapas, Tabasco, and Juchitán, which is situated in the southeast of Oaxaca suffered the most. About 71 people have been reported dead in Juchitán where rescue work is still in operation. Local residents along with rescuers are searching for people who might be stuck under the pile of debris. Hundreds of buildings were reduced to rubble. About 15 people have been reported dead so far in Chiapas and four in Tabasco. Thousands of people are deprived of basic necessities like food, water, and shelter.

The power supply was also cut off in a lot of places due to which doctors had to treat patients in an open space using the flashlights from their cell phones. Gloria Sanchez Lopez, the mayor of Oaxaca State, referred to the earthquake as “a total disaster, “due to the extensive loss in the state. The president Enrique Pena Nieto flew to the affected region to determine the extent of the damage. There have been more 260 aftershocks of varying magnitude due to which a large number of people are still gathered near restaurants and public places to stay safe rather than staying indoors.

Tsunami, hurricane warnings after earthquake

The quake triggered tsunamis due to which warnings were issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center for the entire Pacific coast of Central America.

Evacuation work took place in some parts of Mexico. A tsunami with waves of 1 m (3.3 ft) and higher was generated by the earthquake and A tsunami wave of 1.75 m (5.7 ft) was reported in Chiapas. On the other hand, Hurricane Katia has claimed two lives after it made landfall on Friday night. The heavy rainfall in the mountain region due to the storm resulted in floods and landslides. The wind speeds of the hurricane have constantly decreased after landfall. Some people even claim to have seen mysterious green lights after the earthquake.