In another hypocritical move by the Trump administration, Politico reported on Sunday that President Trump's son-in-law, jared kushner, had set up a private email account for himself during the transition period. The report titled: "Kushner used private email to conduct White House business," said that Kushner set up his private email account last December.

It also reported that the account was part of a pattern developing among senior staff where other administration officials were conducting government business through personal email accounts.

Politico reported that they had seen and verified two dozen emails. They also reported that other senior White House officials - some no longer there - also had and used private email accounts.

Hypocrisy, irony of private email accounts

The media outlet also confirmed the existence of those emails with White House officials who were familiar with the content in them. The reasons for why many consider the revelation of Kushner's private email account as hypocrisy by the Trump team is due to the fact that the Trump campaign had "routinely excoriated" their Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, for setting up a private email account and server at her home when she was secretary of state.

Another bit of irony comes from recent reports that Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) — the Republican that led the Benghazi, private email and private server investigation against Hillary — wants the White House to turn over the names, accounts and cell numbers of all top administration officials by Oct. 9. Gowdy and Democratic ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Rep. Elijah Cummings, sent a letter White House counsel Don McGahn, in which they reportedly did not mince words.

Gowdy, Cummings make their demands

In the letter, the reps acknowledged the "numerous public revelations" of employees from the executive branch who were "deliberately" trying to get around the laws.

The article recalls a previous inquiry made in March by the same committee, which was responded to by a top administration official who was at the time, Marc Short. He said then that there were no officials in the White House with multiple accounts.

Short was referring to officials who were covered under the Presidential Records Act, which requires the archiving of all documents that are related to the President's personal and political activities. Using personal email accounts would be seen as a way to get past those requirements.

While Politico said that the emails did not reveal that any classified information had been shared through the private email account, aides have said that Kushner prefers to call or to communicate through text. In Gowdy and Cummings' letter to the White House, they also want to find out find out if encrypted messages might have been sent via text.