The weather is changing, and the storms are also transforming, becoming more intense and strong. That being said, the latest hurricane named Irma continues to strengthen and is now at Category 4. As it moves towards Florida and Puerto Rico, the said regions are now preparing to counter the hurricane's mighty blow.

Direction of the Hurricane

Currently, Hurricane Irma is cruising the Atlantic Ocean and is churning west.

With its directions treading towards Florida, it has prompted emergency declarations from the state. Even though the precise direction of Hurricane Irma remains unsettled, weather experts still relayed that it could render havoc to the United States, particularly Florida.

Even the governor of Florida, Rick Scott have declared a state of emergency for all 67 counties under his jurisdiction. According to him, "In Florida, we always prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and while the exact path of Irma is not absolutely known at this time, we cannot afford not to be prepared," Scott stated in a press statement.

Important Information Regarding Hurricane Irma

While Florida prepares for the worst, the country, Puerto Rico is also under a state of emergency. Given the direction of Hurricane Irma and its possible devastation towards Puerto Rico, the governor, Ricardo Rosselló also cautioned the public to be vigilant and prepare themselves for the upcoming weather disturbance.

It is expected that Hurricane Irma might unleash its strength this coming Wednesday, noon time. Currently, Irma is now 490 miles east of the islands of Leeward, and the National Hurricane Center has confirmed it. The maximum sustained winds are now at 130 mph. The hurricane's landfall is expected to occur on the island of Anguilla by Wednesday

Additional Details

Based on the data from the weather experts, the storm is still cruising towards the Carribean waters.

In the coming days, it will move towards the northern part. However, there is a possibility that it might turn sooner or not. There is also a small window that the hurricane will not progress to Category 4, but since that chance is slight, experts are looking towards seeing a Category 4 hurricane and even higher.

With hurricane's direction and strength known, residents of Florida and the Islands of Puerto Rico must exercise caution and prepare to counter the typhoon's wrath in the coming days. The weather center, on the other hand, remains vigilant in following the storm's direction and possible transformation.