Over the last 48 hours, Donald Trump has come under fire for being too vague in condemning the racist white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend. After finally calling out White Nationalism by name on Monday afternoon, backlash continued from the media, much to the chagrin of the president.
Trump on Twitter
For the better part of the last two years, Donald Trump has been accused of racism and other forms of prejudice due to his controversial rhetoric and policy proposals.
During the 2016 presidential election, the former host of "The Apprentice" made headlines due to his remarks about illegal immigrants from Mexico being "rapists" and "murderer." Since then, the president's stance on immigration, his travel ban, and other policies have caused backlash, with critics claiming they will have a negative impact on minorities. Fast forward to this past weekend in Charlottesville when hundreds of white nationalists took to the streets during the "Unite the Right" rally. Counter protesters quickly arrived, resulting in chaos in the city. One rally goer took his car and plowed into a crowd of protesters, killing one woman and injuring 30 others.
Trump condemned what took place, but it took him until Monday morning to call out white nationalists. After the media continued to criticize the president, Trump lashed out during a August 14 tweet.
Taking to Twitter on Monday night was Donald Trump, who was not happy with how the majority of the mainstream media reacted to his recent clarification about white nationalism. "Made additional remarks on Charlottesville and realize once again that the #Fake News Media will never be satisfied...truly bad people!" Trump tweeted out.
Donald Trump's tweet was in reference to his comments at the White House from earlier in the morning where he finally called out white supremacy. Trump went on to say that "racism is evil," before comparing the KKK, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists to "thugs." The commander in chief then went on to warn that anyone who acted violently at the rally would be held "fully accountable" for their actions.
Moving forward
In the aftermath of the white nationalist rally turned riot in Charlottesville, racial tensions are once again back in the headlines. Despite Donald Trump calling out those responsible, it doesn't look like the rift between the political left and right will be coming to an end at any point in the near future.