United States President Donald Trump has been a big advocate of Tax Cuts and in fact, that was one of his big campaign promises in the lead up to the presidential elections last year. During a speech yesterday at Springfield, Missouri, the president reiterated his commitment to bring about significant tax cuts that will, in turn, lead to massive growth in the economy. He went on to state that it will also boost incomes.
Tax cut promises
During his speech yesterday, Donald Trump referred to one of his better known domestic policies and promised tax cuts for businesses that would unlock the full potential of the American economy. He also stated that it will also help in boosting the incomes of American citizens. However, it must be noted that Trump did not provide any sort of blueprint on how exactly he was going to go about bringing about those tax cuts. In addition to that, he stated that the tax cuts will also encourage American firms from outsourcing work to cheaper labor markets and in turn, it would lead to more employment for Americans.
Although the president is known for driving crowds at his rallies into a frenzy with his candid comments about various subjects, the speech at Springfield was comparatively far more sedate. It seemed that the president stuck to a well-rehearsed script and spoke about the aspects of his tax reforms that had already been vetted by his aides.
Message to Congress
Trump has had a tough time with pushing his policies through Congress and hence it was not a surprise that he sent a direct message to Congress to ensure that a debacle similar to the Affordable Care Act is not repeated. The president said, “I am fully committed to working with Congress to get this job done. And I don’t want to be disappointed by Congress, do you understand me?
Do you understand? Understand? Congress. I think Congress is going to make a comeback. I hope so.”
However, that was not all the Donald Trump said about his designs on getting the regulation passed through Congress. He pulled the Democratic Senator of Missouri Claire McCaskill into the picture as well and stated that she must support the bill for the betterment of the people in the state. Considering the fact that McCaskill is going to contest an election in November late on this year, Trump's words looked like a good old fashioned arm twist. He said, “She must do this for you, and if she doesn’t do it for you, you have to vote her out of office,”