Tommy’s Restaurant is a diner in Cleveland Heights, which recently shipped a mocha milkshake 370 miles across the U.S.A. to make a dying cancer patient’s final wish come true. The small diner, which has been running for 47 years, has served up thousands of milkshakes, but none quite like this one.

Dying cancer patient wishes for a mocha shake from her home town

50-year-old Emily Pomeranz was dying of a second round of pancreatic cancer in a hospice in Arlington, Virginia, just outside of Washington Dc. According to her Facebook page, she worked for the U.S.

Department of Veterans Affairs.

Pomeranz used to live in Cleveland Heights and when an old friend, Sam Klein – who was also from Cleveland – came to visit her, he asked if there was anything she wanted in the way of special food. Klein said she smiled at him and said she wished more than anything that she could have one final mocha milkshake from Tommy’s Restaurant in her home town.

Klein contacted Tommy Fello, the owner of the diner, via an email address for the restaurant to see if they could help. Klein posted on Facebook to say he received a call from Fello a few days later. Fello said a definitive “yes” adding they would figure out a way to send Pomeranz the desired shake.

Speaking to Fox 8 News in Cleveland, Fello said he had never had an order quite like this one in their 47 years in business.

He said he wasn’t sure if it was even possible to do it, but that they dubbed the dying woman’s order “Mission Impossible” or the “Milkshake Mission.”

Mocha shake travels 370 miles to make the wish come true

As reported by the BBC, Fello came through with the order by putting the milkshake on dry ice and sending it by overnight shipping to Washington DC, 370 miles away from Cleveland.

It cost him $123 and it arrived at Pomeranz’s bedside four days before the patient passed away on Friday last week.

According to Klein, Pomeranz was thrilled to receive her favorite shake and thoroughly enjoyed the treat.

He said when the Facebook story went viral – it has since been shared more than 2,000 times – Pomeranz was pleased to hear her story made people smile. Klein added that he knows his friend would love the fact that her story is still making people feel good, despite the fact she is not here with them any longer.

Klein’s Facebook post asked others in the Cleveland area to visit Tommy’s Restaurant and order a milkshake in memory of Pomeranz and also to thank the owner for his act of kindness. As for Fello, he said it is true what they say; giving is a better reward than receiving.