The missiles are verbal at the moment. Today, President Donald Trump lifted tension with his arch-rival, North Korea, and said that the strategic patience maintained for years by the United States has come to an end.

Trump's meeting with Moon Jae-in

"We face the threat of a ruthless and brutal regime, whose ballistic and nuclear program requires a firm response. Our country seeks peace and prosperity, but we will always defend ourselves and defend our allies, "Trump proclaimed in a brief and forceful speech at the White House, accompanied by his South Korean counterpart, Moon Jae-in.The attack, with its disturbing implication of an inevitable collision, came after a report charged with drama.

Millions of Koreans have died of starvation in the face of the indifference of a government that does not respect human life or its neighbors. A few terms to which Moon Jae-in conceded, include that the biggest challenge for Seoul and Washington is the nuclear danger of its northern neighbor (North Korea).

"We must show them our choice, and combine sanctions with dialogue," he said in a more subdued tone.In both speeches, there were references to the late Otto Warmbier. The tragic fate of this university condemned to forced labor in North Korea and who died last week after being reverted to the United States in a coma has reinforced the speech of the White House hawks.

National Security Adviser, Herbert R. McMaster has insisted that Washington has all the options open and they will be activated if progress remains detected in the Korean arms race. United States will not accept nuclear power in North Korea's hands. The threat is now immediate, and US cannot repeat the same broken approach as in the past. Pyongyang has begun a rash spiral against Washington.

Trump pressurized China

Asphyxiant and obsessive, the government has been attuning its armory for 20 years to achieve an intercontinental missile that reaches the United States. In this way, it has managed to develop an atomic bomb of two kilotons (the double that Hiroshima), and its ballistic communication already enters South Korea and Japan.

Faced with this pulse, Trump and his strategists have opted to pull the muscle by deploying their naval power and put pressure on China, which absorbs 90% of North Korean trade. Despite improved relations with Beijing, the White House believes it has not yet taken enough and has thrown some darts, such as bank sanctions and the sale of arms to Taiwan for $ 1.4 billion.