More details of the crumbling marriage of White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci emerged on Saturday, a day after news broke of his second wife filing for Divorce. The New York Daily News reported that Deidre Ball gave birth to their second child on Monday, the day he went with President Donald Trump to West Virginia for the Boy Scouts of America Jamboree.
The 38-year-old Ball was nine months pregnant when she decided to file divorce proceedings against Scaramucci -- her second husband.
James, her new baby, was named after Ball’s father. He is the ex-couple's second child, the first is three-year-old Nicholas.
Not political ambition
Speaking to The Post, Jill Stone, the lawyer of Ball, debunked the previous report that the reason Deidre separated from Anthony was his alleged political ambition and obsession to work for Trump. She said that the person who said that this was the reason behind the divorce is not privy to her filing for divorce. Stone, however, declined to identify the real reason behind the broken Scaramucci marriage. Ball does not want to turn the divorce into a circus, the lawyer added.
Their divorce papers were filed on July 6 in Nassau County Supreme Court. Page Six reported that Scaramucci reportedly sent Ball a text after she gave birth with the message that he would pray for their child. He allegedly saw James on Friday when he visited them.
No third party involved
Arthur Schwartz, the representative of Scaramucci, said there was no third party in the separation which actually occurred five or six months ago. Scaramucci was supposed to be at the hospital when Ball gave birth, but the delivery at the Lenox Hill Hospital on the Upper East Side was sudden. Moreover, Ball is still angry at her estranged husband.
James Scaramucci was born on July 24, ahead of the Aug. 8 due date.
He weighed 5 pounds, 13 ounces at birth and was admitted on Thursday to a neonatal intensive care unit.
Deidre was married to Anthony Portelli when she met Scaramucci in 2011. She divorced Portelli in the same year that Scaramucci divorced his first wife, Lisa Miranda – whom he met at Tufts University – after 23 years of marriage. Scaramucci and Lisa have three children, a girl named Aileen, and two boys, Alexander and Anthony Jr. The youngest child, Anthony Jr., just finished high school. The communications director threw a grand graduation party for his son at the Hunt & Fish Club restaurant, which Scaramucci co-owns.