Maria Sharapova, like a lot of tweeters out there, has never been one to back away from using her social media accounts for self-promotion. During her lengthy suspension, she often tweeted about her candy brand, Sugarpova. Now, Sharapova is back on the tennis courts as she has wild card after wild card coming up in Stanford, Toronto, and Cincinnati. But Sharapova's most recent social media plug for herself for non-tennis news has to do with her upcoming book, "Unstoppable: My Life So Far." She joins 2016 American- federal-election-loser Hillary Clinton as authors of two of Publisher's Weekly "Most Anticipated" books to be released this fall.
Publisher's Weekly published their list of "Most Anticipated" books of the fall of 2017 on Friday. The lengthy list is broken into several sections, including a "Memoir" section. In this section, Sharapova's book is described in the following manner: "In this insightful memoir, 30-year-old tennis star Sharapova details her life from her earliest memories to the present day." It's likely that the details of her life closer to the present day are the ones that sports fans are going to be most interested in.
Sharapova to discuss her suspension?
The timing of the publication of the book may have something to do with the fact that Sharapova is now 30. It's human to reflect on one's life in round numbers, like multiples of ten.
However, the book's publication takes on increased significance, because of Sharapova's harsh suspension for testing positive for meldonium in 2016. It's this topic that most readers will likely be looking at most closely. Many will be interested in Sharapova's point of view of her suspension, one that was unusually long when compared to many other first-time offenders.
Thank you @PublishersWkly for including #Unstoppable in your Most Anticipated Books In Fall List 📚📗
— Maria Sharapova (@MariaSharapova) July 29, 2017
Clinton's point of view on 2016 will be sought
Another memoir where readers will be interested in the year 2016 comes from Hillary Clinton. The name of her book is "What Happened" and it is described as a "new book of essays" that "relates stories from her life, up to and including the 2016 presidential campaign." Clinton was on the losing side of a major political upset last fall in America, one that saw Donald Trump claim the presidency.
The surprising election result has lead to all kinds of accusations and blame for what happened. Due to the controversy that surrounded the election result and the controversy that continues to surround Donald Trump's presidency, her memoirs of 2016 are the ones that will be more relevant to readers.
Writing “What Happened” was hard, so is what we see every day. As we move forward & fight back, I hope this helps.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 27, 2017