Melania Trump had a rough start getting the public to warm up to her. She kept a rather low profile throughout the presidential race and her plagiarism of Michelle Obama's speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention didn't help matters. If that wasn't enough, she didn't seem overly enthusiastic about becoming the first lady and stayed at Trump Tower in New York City after her husband was inaugurated. Overall, she seemed inaccessible, indifferent, and closed off from the rest of the world. A new poll shows things are changing, however.
First lady's favorable numbers go up
A poll taken by Fox News shows that Melania Trump's popularity is climbing. Many are giving her a favorable rating compared to the last poll that was taken in December. According to the latest results, 51 percent of those polled view Melania favorably, a 14-point increase from December, and a 16-point increase over last August.
Melania's popularity from men is at 55 percent and 48 percent of women. 82 percent of Republicans and 26 percent of Democrats rate Mrs. Trump favorably. Independents rate the first lady at 43 percent.
Negative views for Melania Trump were rather low. 28 percent have an unfavorable view of the first lady while 20 percent are unable to rate her.
Michelle Obama had record-high favorable ratings
While Melania Trump's popularity has jumped, she's not even close to rating what Michelle Obama did at the same point in her husband's presidency. According to Fox New, Mrs. Obama had a record high of 73 percent viewing her favorably in April 2009.
Poll numbers for Melania might be up due to a variety of factors that include her recent move to the White House and the fact that she's taking on more in her role.
She's seen frequently by her husband's side for White House functions and greeting world leaders. She's also making appearances that involve meeting children and giving speeches. Additionally, the first lady is a fashion icon and her clothes give her adoring public something to talk about.
As first ladies go, Melania may have a hard time competing with Michelle Obama's favorable rating because the two women are vastly different.
Michelle had an openness that touched people instantly while Melania didn't have that kind of effect on people. It's also worth noting that Donald Trump has a very low approval rating and that intrinsically has some impact on his wife's numbers as well.