People watched, transfixed and horrified, during a press conference given by then-special prosecutor Ken Kratz, as he disclosed what they had learned about the death of Teresa Halbach. From there, the court of public opinion held sway in the cases of both Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey. The case was sensationalized in the media long before it ever went to court.

When Making a Murderer aired, people were once again transfixed and horrified, but for a different reason.

A larger audience this time, one from around the world, were not impressed with the ill-conceived press conference. Neither were his trail attorneys, Dean Strang and Jerome Buting. Most recently, it seems Kathleen Zellner is not impressed with Mr. Kratz either.

What's in a tweet?

Using Ken Kratz' own platform, the court of public opinion, Kathleen Zellner has systematically decimated not only the original trial arguments, but also his after-the-fact claims in his book, "Avery: The Case Against Steven Avery and What 'Making a Murderer' Gets Wrong." Immediately after filing her Motion for Post Conviction Relief, she made the motion available on her website.

The motion was removed recently, but a simple Google search can still find it in any one of dozens of places. Not only did she post the motion, but she tweeted a link to each affidavit, along with what it referenced. Zellner has suffered criticism in the past for her use of Twitter in regards to this case, but her tweet and delete strategy has successfully kept this case in front of that court of public opinion, a situation that should be nothing new to Mr. Kratz.

Most recently, she tweeted a link to a document listing 13 false statements attributed to Mr Kratz in his book. This simple document packs a powerful punch. Listing quotes on the left side of the page and refutations on the right, she uses evidence from the case, including the states own evidence at trial in her refutations.

While some of the quotes from Kratz' book are slight exaggeration, there are some that could very well land him in hot water. It seems that Kathleen Zellner always has a strategy, and considering her record of wins, these seemingly random tweets may be no exception. In an interview with Inquisitr's Jim Hagerty, Zellner said she is not announcing a lawsuit, but she is not ruling it out. “Prosecutors have no immunity for defamation after they are no longer the prosecutor on the case,” she stated.