It would likely not be an impeachment that would unseat Donald Trump as U.S. president but political scandals caused by his namesake, Donald Jr. A professor of law at the Columbia University predicted that it would be a constitutional crisis which would trigger the Resignation of the real estate billionaire as the 45th president of the U.S.

The president would likely quit his post eventually as a consequence of the prosecution of his family members.

He blamed it not just on Donald Jr. but also on son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner who was one of the three Trump campaign staff who attended a meeting with Russians, Professor Philip Bobbitt said, The Independent reported.

Changing narrative of the meeting

The past few days, what really happened at the meeting had changed by the day. First, Donald Jr. claimed the topic of the meeting was the lifting of sanctions caused by the Magnitsky act, but he later admitted the Trump campaign was offered a report that could damage the campaign of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate.

The offer allegedly came from Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya who initially denied what Trump Jr.

said. The president’s son then admitted it was not just he, Kushner, and Paul Manafort who met the Russian lawyer. She came with a Russian-American lobbyist, a translator, a representative of the powerful Agalarove family in Russia, and the British publicist Rob Goldberg who send the emails to Donald Jr. Later, Veselnitskaya admitted she offer to provide a report that said the Democratic National Convention allegedly accepted dirty money from an American hedge fund that employed a person who pushed for the Magnitsky Act.

Best way out of the mess

The emails from Goldberg may appear as smoking gun evidence that Russia colluded with the Trump campaign for the billionaire to win the election. Bobbitt wrote in the Evening Standard that even if it appears a remote possibility now, Trump will make an eventual choice to resign to spare his son and son-in-law from prison and save himself from future prosecution.

Bobbitt said that for Trump to resign eventually would be the best option out of the mess created by the president’s son and son-in-law. The professor holds degrees from Oxford, Yale, and Princeton, and has served as a special adviser to every American president since his uncle, Lyndon B. Johnson. The only exceptions are Richard Nixon, George W. Bush, and Trump.

The Russians, from President Vladimir Putin to ordinary Russians, have been denying Moscow or Kremlin meddled in the U.S. election. Business Insider reported that while Donald Jr.’s meeting with Veselnitskaya and Rinat Akhmetshin dominated headlines in the U.S., the incident was largely snubbed in Russia. It was similar to the time when American media exposed the meeting of Russian Ambassador Sergey Kilyak with then-U.S. National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.