Donald Trump finally received positive news for his political agenda when the Supreme Court ruled that parts of his controversial travel ban could go into effect. In response, the president expressed his joy on social media, but was hit with an onslaught of criticism in return.
Trump on travel ban
It didn't take long after Donald Trump kicked off his campaign for president that he decided to publicly elaborate on his plans to fight back against the rise of Islamic terrorism taking place in the West.
Knowing that pushing back against Muslims was a trigger point in a Republican primary, the former host of "The Apprentice" flirted with a complete shutdown of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States. As expected, critics of the president were quick to lash out, accusing the billionaire real estate mogul of "racism," "Islamophobia," and "xenophobia." Despite the backlash, Trump was able to ride his momentum to a GOP primary win and eventually an upset victory over Hillary Clinton on Election Day. In the months that have followed, Trump has signed an executive order than banned travel from seven countries in the Middle East that could have links back to terrorism.
The order was blocked by two judges until the Supreme Court ruled on Monday to allow a limited version to slip through. In response, Trump decided to gloat on Twitter.
In addition to the Supreme Court allowing a portion of the travel ban, known as a "Muslim ban" to critics, into law, they are also scheduled to hear the entire order in the fall. "Very grateful for the 9-O decision from the U. S. Supreme Court. We must keep America SAFE!" Trump tweeted out. Not stopping there, Donald Trump sent out a follow-up message on social media just hours later. "Great day for America's future Security and Safety, courtesy of the U.S. Supreme Court," Trump tweeted, before adding, "I will keep fighting for the American people, & WIN!"
Twitter reacts
Not long after Donald Trump expressed his feelings about his travel ban showing signs of life, social media critics didn't waste anytime holding back their thoughts.
"You get that they agreed to hear the case, not that they have ruled in favor of you -- right?" Laura Packard tweeted.
"You clowns realize that the Supreme Court doesn't make a decision for several months…right?!" William LeGate tweeted back. "Literally all they did was agree to take your case in a few months. You didn't win anything." he wrote in a follow-up post on Twitter.
"America won't be SAFE until we vote Trump out on November 3, 2020," director Adam Best wrote in response, before adding, "Or until impeachment day. But then we'd have President Pence or Ryan. So still not SAFE." "Christians who celebrate the Supreme Court decision to allow part of the 'Muslim Ban' forget that Jesus himself was a refugee/migrant. SMH," another tweeted noted. As the negative reactions continued to pour in, it was clear that the issue over the travel ban was far from over.