According to U.S. officials, The Fbi has inferred that the hack on Qatar’s news agency was implemented by Russian hackers to cause discord among U.S.’ closest allies in the Middle East. U.S. and Qatari government say an FBI investigation team has been deployed to Doha to assist the Qatari government uncover the hacking incident. U.S. investigators claim the Russian hackers were the master-minders of the initial incident in Qatar a fortnight ago.

Qatar hosts one of Pentagon’s largest air bases in the region.

The U.S. suspects Russia's involvement in Middle East cyber-attacks

The alleged entanglement of Russia increases fears by U.S. intelligence that Russia is repeating the same hack it used in the 2016 elections with U.S. allies. U.S. officials say the aim of Russia is to cause disunity among U.S. and its allies. Recently reports of Russian cyber activities have been showing up in Germany, France and other country elections.

As reported by CNN, according to U.S. officials the government of Russia knows the perpetrators of the attack as they are aware of almost everything that happens in the country.

There have been no statements from the FBI and CIA. A spokesperson for the Qatari embassy in Washington reiterated that the proceeds of the investigation would be made public shortly.

Fake news hack

A news broadcast on the Qatari News Agency (QNA) slandered the nation’s king and questioned the durability of president Trump's office says the Qatari government. The Qatari Minister for foreign affairs, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman told sources that the hack and false report has been confirmed by the FBI.

Sheikh Mohammed told CNN reporter, Becky Anderson that the allegations are filled with lies and deception because it was based on misconstrued information introduced into their news agency and uncovered by FBI agents.

The Qatari government's Communications Director, Sheikh SAif Ahmed Al- Thani, established that the Qatari government is working hand in glove with the United States and UK’s Crime Agency to investigate the cyber-attack incident.He said the reports of the discovery will be announced after the investigations have been completed.

Due to the fabricated news reports and other allegations, the neighboring Middle Eastern nations have cut of political and economic ties with Qatar, thereby aggravating the crisis. The reports has caused more pressure following allegations of Qatar sponsoring and supporting terrorism.