One of the biggest criticisms about Donald Trump since he was sworn into office is over the number of billionaires that make up his cabinet. While holding a re-election rally in iowa on Wednesday night, the president took a shot at low-income Americans while attempting to defend his actions.

Trump on poor people

When Donald Trump made his candidacy for president official just over two years ago, he brought with him a lot of baggage and controversy.

The former host of "The Apprentice" has long been known as a billionaire, who used his fame and fortune to catapult himself into the spotlight. For the better part of the last four decades, Trump has been a household name. During the 2016 election, Trump would often come under fire from his critics and the majority of the mainstream media, with one reason being his refusal to release his tax returns. While the billionaire real estate mogul claimed an ongoing audit was preventing him to do so, the IRS confirmed that an audit doesn't stop anyone from releasing their returns. Despite that information coming out, Trump kept his financial information hidden, increasing speculation about the source of his wealth, as well as whether or not he had connections to foreign countries, most notably Russia.

Fast forward to present day and Trump has been backed into a corner on a number of issues, and decided to hold an early re-election in Iowa on June 21 to build up his confidence.

On Wednesday night, Donald Trump made his way to Ceder Rapids, Iowa in front of thousands of cheering supporters. The president spoke about the recent Republican victories from the night before, when the GOP came out on top during special elections being held in South Carolina and Georgia. During the hour-long speech, Trump addressed the backlash he's received for hiring former Goldman Sachs banker Gary Cohn as his chief economic adviser.

"I love all people. Rich or poor," Donald Trump said, before explaining, "But in those particular positions I just don’t want a poor person." "Does that make sense?" Trump said to the confusion of some in the crowd.

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Donald Trump continues to defend his decision to hire some of the wealthiest Americans to advise him in his cabinet, making it the richest in history. According to Politifact, Trump's cabinet could be worth as little as $3.5 billion, to as much as $14.5 billion, depending on the source of information. While critics of the president use that information against him, his supporters don't appear phased, making it yet another issue that is partisan in the United States.