Donald trump often touted his belief in God and dedication to Christianity during the election, but it doesn't seem if his rhetoric matches his actions. A new report from CNN reveals that even the church the president grew up in no longer wants any part of him.

Trump and the Lord

A lot of questions were raised when Donald Trump announced that he was going to run for president back in June 2015, and even more when it was revealed that he would be running as a Republican.

The former of "The Apprentice" has been married three times, has a controversial history with women, and is known for crude language and behavior that has made its way into the headlines for over three decades. With his questionable resume, it caught many by surprise when Trump spoke about his love of God, Jesus Christ, and going to Church. The billionaire real estate mogul was never known to be religious, which added to the mystery when he spoke out on the campaign trail that the Bible was his "favorite book" of all-time, with his own "The Art of the Deal," not far behind in second place. Even as the election came to an end and Trump was faced with the release of the now infamous Access Hollywood tapes and allegations of sexual assault by a dozen women, enough conservative Christians stood by his side as he went on to defeat Hillary Clinton to become the new president.

Fast forward to present day and not everyone in the religious community is fond of the commander in chief, which was detailed during a June 4 report for CNN.

Over the weekend, CNN reporter MJ Lee published a bombshell article titled "God and the Don," which traced Donald Trump's roots in religion from his early days as a youngster in New York, all the way to his time in the White House. Lee explains that Trump was never really an overly religious man, with some of the people who knew him best not being too convinced with his recent turn around.

Donald Trump's religious upbringing began in Queens, New York at the First Presbyterian Church in Queens, before eventually moving on to Marble Collegiate Church in neighboring Manhattan.

Those representing the churches today don't speak too highly of the president, with Raw Story even doubling down that Trump is no longer welcomed.

Pastor's take

Donald Trump was once close with Marble's former reverend, the late Norman Vincent Peale, but Peale's son is not happy with what has gone on with the president. "I don't respect Mr. Trump very much. I don't take him very seriously," John Peale wrote prior to the election, stating that he "cringes" when he hears Trump speak about his father in an attempt to add credibility to his faith. In addition to Peale, Marble released an official statement to confirm that Trump was "not an active member," as his former places of worship continue to distance themselves.

Church member speaks out

MJ Lee also caught up with Philip Malebranche, an older member of the now majority non-white First Presbyterian Church, who was clear in his opposition to Donald Trump and his policies. "The policies he's promoting go against our biblical teaching," he said. Malebranche dismissed the notion that Trump would be welcomed back, saying that he would be "skeptical" to believe that the president could contribute to the congregation.

Next up

Though Donald Trump stumbled through the election when it came to defending his religion, with the term "Two Corinthians" quickly coming to mind, he was still able to win enough support to get him into the White House. As of press time, Trump doesn't have a home-base where he regularly attends church, and has spent more time golfing than worshiping on Sundays, though it's unknown how it will go over with the religious right that support him as time goes on.