Across the US, counter-protests were drawn to demonstrations against Islamic Law by people who encouraged unfounded fears and inaccurate view of the religion.

Through downtown Seattle, hundreds marched banging drums, cymbals, and cowbells with signs saying “Seattle stands with our Muslim neighbors.” Participants of the counter-protest chanted “No hate, no fear, Muslims are welcome here” while on their way to the City Hall.

A group of bicycle police officers separated them from dozens rallying against Shariah.

Act for America, a hate group

Southern Poverty Law Center and critics say that ACT for America is a “hate group” famously known for aggressively criticizing Islam and promoting a distorted, prejudiced view of the religion. According to TIME, ACT was founded by Brigitte Gabriel, a Christian immigrant from Lebanon. She said Muslims are “natural threat to civilized people of the world, particularly Western Society” and that “every practicing Muslim is a radical Muslim.” In June 2014, she has said that a cancer called “Islamofascism” permeates a Muslim world in which “extreme is mainstream”.

However, Christian Science found Gabriel’s claim inaccurate when she said: “The radicals are estimated to be between 15 to 25 percent, according to all intelligence services around the world.”

Based on ACT’s official website, this organization has more than 525,000 members with 1000 Number of Volunteer groups across the country. They claim that many aspects of Sharia law run contrary to basic human rights and are incompatible with our laws and our democratic values.

For years, Act for America and Gabriel have spent years spreading fear of Muslims and stripping them rights afforded to the followers of the other faiths. Gabriel has said that a “practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Quran, cannot be a loyal citizen to the United States of America.”

Site of San Bernardino terrorist attack, one of many locations

One of many locations where demonstrators are planning to rally as part of their nationwide “March against Sharia” across the state is the site of San Bernandino.

In the Inland Regional Center of the site where Pakistani-American couple fatally shot 14 people in 2015 is where the protesters plan to March. President Trump cited this as one of his reasons for his travel restriction policy wherein refugees are temporarily banned along with the immigrants from six Muslim-majority nations. The law enforcement authority in San Bernandino are on edge with the prospect violent confrontation at the anti-Sharia march. The department will be monitoring both sides says a police spokesman.

The marches organized by Act for America, are due to be held in at least 19 states including New York where one of the biggest rally is set to be held. Rosemary Boeglin, a spokeswoman for Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office, said on the other hand, that the rally does not represent New York City.