#Jared Kushner, according to sources, had a meeting with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak as well as Michael Flynn in December at Trump Tower.

#Michael Flynn briefly served as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser but was then forced out when sources and the media revealed that he had essentially lied to Vice President Mike Pence and others about a telephone conversation he took with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Talking of the call, there were suggestions made in the meeting that the two countries set up a separate channel to discuss the situation in #Syria and other issues. It is unclear who made that suggestion, but it involved Mr Flynn speaking directly with a Russian military official. For note, this secretive channel wasn't ever set up.

The issue has engulfed the national and international media since Trump has been on a ten day long journey to Europe and the #Middle East where he met with many different leaders and, according to his aides, lived out the most successful stretch of his presidency thus far.

The media erupted last week with the reports of #Kushner setting up a channel and getting Trump to have a secret line with Russia. As the Russian issue threatens to sink the Trump family and the Trump presidency, many are watching to see what happens next.