Donald Trump spent the past several days granting a number of interviews with various media outlets, many of them he has called "fake news" outlets. The interviews — published by outlets like Bloomberg, the SiriusXM radio network and CBS (Face the Nation) — were timed to the 100-day mark of his presidency.

One of those interviews was with John Dickerson of CBS Face the Nation and also shown on CBS Morning News, which ended suddenly when it was obvious President Trump was frustrated and perturbed by the continuing questioning about the charge that Trump was wiretapped by former President Barack Obama.

At the end of the interview, Trump waved Mr. Dickerson away when he repeatedly and relentlessly questioned him about Obama and the false, unfounded charges.

President Trump brings up false 'wire tap' charges

On March 4, President Trump tweeted: "Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower just before the victory." The claim has been roundly disputed by not only Obama administration aides, Democrats but also members of his own Republican party. The FBI and the intelligence communities have also pooh-poohed the charges that Obama ever "wiretapped" Trump.

Trump ends uncomfortable interview with 'That's enough, thank you'

As the interview heated up, Trump told Dickerson "That's enough, Thank You" and went to sit at his desk as shown in this video. What appeared to set off the volatile Trump was the mention of the words "fake news."

In spite of this, Mr. Dickerson traveled with Trump as planned to a 100th-day rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Then during the Monday press briefing in the James Brady Room at the White House, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer directly contradicted his boss' earlier comments in denying the literal meaning of the president’s own words. Mr. Spicer was asked what Trump meant by the words, “ ‘I don’t stand by anything." He was asked how is the public to digest when the president says, "I don’t stand by anything’?”

WH Press Secretary Sean Spicer contradicts his boss

Then Spicer said, “I think the point is, he clearly stands by that.

That’s something that’s made very clear if you look at the entire back and forth exchange.”

In other interviews, Trump said he would be "honored" to meet with Kim Jong-Un, the violent North Korean dictator, under the right circumstances. The same man he has threatened with military action and the same man that is developing nuclear missiles and oppresses his people of North Korea.