Rules and regulations for women vary, depending on the nation. In Middle Eastern cultures, women have less control over the way they dress, than in the western part of the hemisphere. The class of cultures can sometimes cause offense. Muslim women in some nations are required to wear a head scarf. In some places, they must cover every inch of their bodies except their eyes.
On Saturday President Donald Trump traveled to Saudi Arabia, with his wife and daughter in tow. The manner of dress of the Trump women caught the eyes of the world.
First lady Melania Trump and her stepdaughter Ivanka took the path of the former first lady. Like Michelle Obama, the Trump ladies chose not to wear the traditional headdress, of Muslim women in Saudi Arabia. Ivanka and Melania did, however, choose more conservative attire, than what they wear in America. It was not the type of clothing women in the Middle East are required to wear, but what they wore was modest, and surely did not offend their Saudi hosts.
Headgear not required for visitors
The Internet is filled with questions regarding what is appropriate for American dignitaries to wear when they are on foreign soil. According to Muna Abu Sulayman, a Saudi television host, the only time they expect head gear and an abaya to be worn by visitors is when they attend prayer services. Some mistook the first lady's pantsuit, as traditional Muslim attire. At a glance, Melania's clothing resembled an abaya.
This was because of the color and the length. Abu Sulayman pointed out that the large oversized gold belt was a bit too much, but she appreciated the hemline, which as lower than that of former first lady Michelle Obama. Mrs. Obama wore a dress with her legs below the knee exposed.
Ivanka Trump wore a print dress that was close to ankle length, and this was also appreciated according to the television host.
Respect for other cultures
Although they did not don the full regalia that is required for Muslim women, Melania and Ivanka Trump did express respect for the Middle Eastern culture, to some degree. News reports indicate that the Saudi trip was a success, so obviously the women did not offend by the way they were dressed. It is important for our leaders to show respect for other nations and their cultures.
According to the Los Angeles Times, the Saudi's were impressed with the first family. They used a term of endearment, for those the like. "Abu Ivanka" which means Father of Ivanka. So it seems on this one the Trump family came through and gained the Saudi's as friends.