It seems practicing what one preaches is not a part of the Donald Trump's mantra. In 2015, he took to Twitter and lambasted Michelle Obama foregoing a headscarf on an official visit to Saudia Arabia. But two years later, the President's wife, Melania Trump, forgoes a headscarf while on an official visit to the same country.

Two years ago Donald Trump blasts Michelle Obama

Strangely, Donald Trump said the former first lady "insulted" the people of Saudi Arabia by not wearing a headscarf during her visit. Over a week ago, several analysts had argued about whether or not Trump would demand his wife and daughter to cover up while on the official visit.

Just today, he is cited as a hypocrite after his wife appeared without a headscarf at private events. Additionally, Trump is already facing heat for gender equality and anti-Islamic propaganda.

Former President Barack Obama visited Saudi Arabia in January 2015 for the funeral of late King Abdullah. The gesture was to support the Saudis and also stabilize the turbulent relationship between both countries. The United States and the Saudi ties were strained as the U.S. Government tried to secure a nuclear agreement with Iran. The controversial trip was made when Iran was still a prime enemy of the Saudi Arabian nation.

However, that ongoing issue did not gain much attention, the main headlines were centered around First Lady Michelle Obama's refusal to wear a headscarf.

Miss Obama attended her scheduled events without covering her head, which is unusual for women while in Saudi Arabia.

In the extremely conservative Islamic nation, it's a tradition for women to cover their heads with a scarf. Most Saudi women prefer the 'Niqabs' that covers their entire head and face. However, while it is not mandatory for foreign visitors, it had become an 'unofficial rule' and visitors usually cover their head while in the country.

However, Obama's choice started a firestorm in the Saudi and U.S. media and she was heavily criticized as well.

Trump's opinion on Melania not wearing a headscarf?

Back then, the controversial topic had sparked several discussions in the United States. The U.S. Media was heavily divided, many supporting the First Lady's choice to forgo a head scarf.

But, one New York businessman disagreed as well, now U.S. President Donald Trump.

Trump also cited prominent women who wore scarfs while visiting the Saudis. Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, wife of Britain's Prince Charles. Even Laura Bush had worn a scarf during their official trips. He also reiterated that 'one should not insult the host while visiting a country,' referring that the United States already has enough enemies.

However, in keeping with the U.S. President's high standard, why doesn't First Lady Melania Trump wear a headscarf while on their official visit to the oil-rich nation?