Hillary Clinton gave the commencement address to Wellesley College, where she graduated in 1969. She mentioned the latest fundraising vehicle that she has created, “Forward Together.” She also had a coughing fit of the sort that blighted a number of her campaign speeches when she last ran for president. But most of all, she compared Donald Trump to Richard Nixon.
The former presidential candidate compares the current president to Nixon
Clinton has a lot of scores to settle, the primary one being against Donald Trump, the man who denied her the presidency for the second time. She said, according to the Washington Examiner, “We were furious about the past presidential election, of a man whose presidency would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of justice, after firing the person running the investigation into him at the Department of Justice.”
The Nixon reference was to the so-called Saturday Night Massacre when the then president fired Archibald Cox, the special counsel who was looking into Watergate.
Clinton is being a little history challenged when she said that Nixon was impeached. He resigned before the articles of impeachment could be passed by the House.
Of course, the Trump comparison is not so subtle. His firing of FBI Director James Comey has been compared to the Saturday Night Massacre. The comparison is based on the fact that the Bureau is conducting an investigation into the alleged collusion of the Trump campaign with the Russians. The idea is ludicrous as Comey’s departure did not stop the inquiry. It is now being led by a special counsel, former FBI Director Robert Mueller.
Is Hillary Clinton just venting or is she running for president
The former Secretary of State is apparently still nursing hurt feelings about having been beaten in the 2016 election.
That she was defeated by a man for whom she holds such obvious contempt is just salt in the wound. Is she just venting or does she intend to run in 2020?
The idea that Hillary Clinton could think that the third time might be a charm, with her being in her mid-70s and of failing health, should be on its face ludicrous. But we’re talking about a person that has lusted to be the first female president with as much fervor as most people do their next breath.
Her first public speech, done ironically at her graduation ceremony in 1969, featured some off the cuff remarks when she denounced then Sen. Edward Brooke as an old fogy who didn’t understand the younger generation. Brooke was an African-American Republican moderate who had admonished the graduating class that change best happens incrementally.
Clinton may well imagine that the stars might align for her in three years. Trump may drown in scandal or even be impeached. Then the way would be paved for her to fulfill her destiny as God and Saul Alinsky intended.