disability rights groups have been staging actions ever since Donald Trump got elected. One group leading the charge is Americans Disabled Attendant Programs Today -- otherwise known as ADAPT. The group, known for bold public actions, is trying to get an audience with the White House to issue a list of demands to improve the lives of disabled people across America.
ADAPT's demands of Trump Administration
ADAPT has posted a list of its demands. First and foremost, they want President Trump and the rest of Congress to acknowledge that when disabled people are forced into nursing homes and other institutions due to lack of Medicaid support or accessible housing, they are "denied their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." They also want to see the Trump administration fight for proposals that get disabled people out of nursing homes and into their communities.
ADAPT points out that there are several ways that President Trump can do this. One such way is by supporting the Disability Integration Act. The Act, proposed by Chuck Schumer (D-NY) would mandate that community-based options would be prioritized in cases where people need serious long-term services and support, with nursing homes being an absolute last resort.
The organization has a demand for Ivanka Trump. They want her to become an ambassador for the disability community. They want her to visit successful programs that focus on getting disabled people out of institutions and into their communities, and then go to ten states for roundtable discussions about how to implement similar programs at the state level within the next year.
They also want to meet with several high-level figures in the Federal Government. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson are among the people listed. ADAPT wants to talk with them about how they can help end institutionalization According to advocates, this would save money.
Nursing home care is more expensive than community-based options and there's less risk of abuse and murder.
ADAPTers march, get arrested
Public marches have been the bread and butter for ADAPT ever since it was created in 1975. This march was no exception. People as young as eight were marching down D.C. demanding an audience with President Trump.
Some eventually chained themselves to the White House fence. At least 80 people were arrested by the U.S. Park Police during the May 15th march.
According to the group, the goal is to get President Trump to commit to promoting disability rights. especially the right not to be placed in potentially abusive nursing facilities. Several activists, such as Gregg Beratan, were disappointed that they were arrested rather than being given a meeting. Beratan cited the differences in how President Trump conducted himself on the campaign trail and how he's conducting himself now.
"He says he is all about the people until it’s time to actually serve the people," Beratan said. "Then he has you arrested.”
For those interested in keeping up with the march, ADAPT is reporting on the march via Twitter under the hashtag #ADAPTandRESIST.